Runaway Quotes

Bookstore John: [speaks with heavy sexual innuendo] Looking for something special?
Dawn Wetherby: [angrily] A book! [turns away from the man]
Bookstore John: [persistently] What kind of book, honey?
Dawn Wetherby: [angrily] A very expensive book!
Bookstore John: How much? [no answer]
Bookstore John: I said, How much, honey!
Dawn Wetherby: $200!
Bookstore John: [laughs] I heard wrong. Didn't I hear wrong, honey?
Dawn Wetherby: [screams as 2 other patrons look on] I said $200! Take it or leave it!
Bookstore John: [embarrassed. To other patrons] I only asked her how much a book was.

TV Show: Runaway
Frankie Lee: [after chasing off a mugger who took money from Dawn] How much he get from you?
Dawn Wetherby: Five Dollars.
Frankie Lee: [tosses Dawn five dollars from the mugger's loot] This street gonna' eat you up, girl. Got a place to stay?
Dawn Wetherby: Sure.
Frankie Lee: [smiles] Just remember. Us girls don't ever have to go hungry. [winks and starts to leave]
Frankie Lee: My name's Frankie Lee. You need help? Ask for me. Everybody knows Frankie Lee.

TV Show: Runaway
Frankie Lee: [Frankie Lee is talking to Gloria, another hooker in her pimp Swan's stable. Frankie is showing off a brand new Swan tattoo on her leg] My price is gonna' go up with this.
Gloria: Swan not gonna' like it, Frankie.
Frankie Lee: [indignantly] I'm doin' it for him!
Gloria: Swan don't like his girls to look like they hookers.
Frankie Lee: Hey! I look like a hooker 'cause that's what I am. I'm 17, girl, and this rose is fadin' fast! I gotta' jazz it up.

TV Show: Runaway
Kim Fowley: Girls nowadays, they don't have any role models. This band is self-empowerment, man - Aphrodite, Cleopatra, Eurydice! No more second-class status, sitting at concerts with asshole boyfriends who worship bands from a Popular Mechanics evalutation of amplifiers. The Runaways have the most chance of any group I've seen... To do with the Beatles did. To tear this world apart.

TV Show: Runaway
Maggie Carpenter: I am profoundly and irreversibly screwed up.

TV Show: Runaway
Henry: How do you know he didn't do it?
Lily: Because your father is not a criminal.

TV Show: Runaway
Lily: [to Henry, who's in the car waiting to leave] If you leave, you can't come back.

TV Show: Runaway
Henry: [to his father] Who does this? Who runs? Guilty people.

TV Show: Runaway
Henry: Ever heard of a knock? [quickly hides something in a drawer]
Paul: What's in there?
Henry: My cell phone.

TV Show: Runaway
Lily: Why don't you have your seatbelt on?
Henry: I didn't know you had to wear seatbelts in the back.

TV Show: Runaway
Henry: You can't just decide to be cool.
Hannah: Oh master, please, educate me.

TV Show: Runaway
Henry: Do I have to share with Tommy?
Tommy: Henry farts on me.
Lily: Guys not now please.
Henry: I'm not sharing with an eight year-old.
Hannah: Why? Because then you won't be able to play with yourself?
Henry: Oh, like you don't?
Hannah: You're sooo disgusting.
Lily: Do we all have to listen to this?

TV Show: Runaway
Henry: [while Tommy tapes green tape on the floor] So what happens if I cross the line?
Tommy: You don't want to know.

TV Show: Runaway
Lily: Where are you going?
Hannah: I don't know, town.
Lily: Well hang on a second come say hello to our new neighbor. This is uh...
Bob: Bob.
Lily: Bob.
Bob: Bob Sullivan
Hannah: Hey, I'm Kate.
Bob: Really? If we had a girl our wife was gonna name her Kate.
Hannah: If I was a boy my parents were gonna name me Bob.

TV Show: Runaway
Angela: Remember how long it took us to find the Jarvises? Seven years and they had six kids.
Ross: Yeah, but you weren't on it for the first six and a half.
Angela: Next time you kiss my ass, you're fired.
Ross: Yes Ma'am.

TV Show: Runaway
Lily: [as Henry is walking away] Ah ah ah... Sit down we eat together.
Henry: Why?
Lily: Because... I'm the mommy, that's why.
Henry: You still have that T-Shirt?
Lily: And I'll wear it if I have to.

TV Show: Runaway