Sand Quote

Natalio Curro: [to a tableful of sycophants at an outdoor restaurant] I understand Gallardo has one more contract to fulfill - the corrida next Sunday afternoon. I predict he will make his exit in a cloud of rotten oranges and dead cats. I hold him directly responsible for the death of Nacional, and I should say so in my article tomorrow. The trouble with Gallardo is he has cats in his belly. His father was the same way. Like father, like son.
Juan Gallardo: [after Curro suddenly realizes Gallardo has overheard him] That's the second time you've said things about my father. As for you, you've probably never been baptized. [he holds him still while pouring a bottle of wine on his head, leaving him humiliated]
Juan Gallardo: I'll baptize you now. I christen you liar, and your second name is swine!

Movie: Sand


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