Scarface Quote

Mama Montana : Son? I wish I had one! He's a bum! He was a bum then and he's a bum now! Who do you think you are, hm? We haven't heard a word from you in five years. Cinco anos. You suddenly show up here and you throw money at us? You think you can BUY me with your money?
Tony Montana : Come on, mama.
Mama Montana : You think you can come in here with your hot-shot clothes and make fun of us?
Tony Montana : Mama, you don't know what you're talking about.
Mama Montana : No that is NOT the way I am, Antonio! That is NOT the way I raised Gina to be. You are not going to destroy her. I don't need your money. Gracias! I work for my living. I DON'T WANT YOU IN THIS HOUSE ANYMORE! I don't want you around Gina! So come on, get out! And take this lousy money with you! It stinks!

Movie: Scarface


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