Scrubs Quote

Dr. Kelso: What do you want?
Janitor: I'm getting ready to torture Nurse Chestwhiskers, but it's her word against mine, so I need you to verify yesterday's incident.
Dr. Kelso: What incident? I wasn't even here yesterday.
Janitor: You were there.
Dr. Kelso: Excuse me. [holds a muffin to his ear] Hello? Ssh, he's standing right here!
Janitor: Me?
Dr. Kelso: I'll tell him. [to Janitor] My muffin thinks you're crazy and she wants you to go.
Janitor: Tell your muffin I think she's crazy. Maybe she should go!
Dr. Kelso: No.
Janitor: What is happening to me? [leaves, upset, just as Carla appears around the corner]
Carla: [pats Kelso on the back] Nice job.

TV Show: Scrubs


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