Sex and the City Quote

[after Gilles has slept with Carrie, he leaves her a note and a thousand dollars]

Miranda Hobbes: [reading the note] "Thanks for the beautiful day." Must've been a hell of a beautiful day.

Carrie: Well, it was. We had such a fantastic connection, then he leaves me money. I don't understand. What exactly about me screams "whore"?

Miranda Hobbes: Besides the thousand dollars on the end table?

Samantha: I just can't believe you had dinner at Balzac. Wait a minute, I thought I ordered two eggs Benedict and one spinach omelette.

Miranda Hobbes: It's all right. I'll take the omelette.

Carrie: You know what you guys, this isn't right. We're gonna pay for all this ourselves, all right?

Samantha: He said order anything.

Miranda Hobbes: The room service is one thing, but the money... - uh-uh.

Samantha: What are you getting so uptight about? I mean, money is power. Sex is power. Therefore, getting money for sex is simply an exchange of power.

Miranda Hobbes: Don't listen to the dime store Camille Paglia.

Carrie: I don't know whether to take it as an incredible compliment or as an incredible insult?

Samantha: Just take it, period.

Carrie: Well, I wouldn't know how to return it anyway because the one thing he didn't leave me was his phone number.

Miranda Hobbes: He paid in full, what more is there to talk about? Who is this Amalita Amalfi character anyway? I'm concerned you've been drafted into a ring of high-class hookers.


TV Show: Sex and the City


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