Sin City Quotes

Dwight: It's your apartment. But be careful, Shellie, this clown's got big, mean drunk-on and he's got four friends out there in the hall, breathing hard and just as drunk as he is.
Jack Rafferty: Hey, I could swear I heard somebody in there with you, just now. You got somebody with you, baby? You be honest with me. You owe me that much.
Shellie: Somebody? Jackie Boy, it's a regular African love-fest in here. I got me all five starters and half the bench of the Basin City Blues keeping me company. You feel like taking them on?
Jack Rafferty: You're teasing me, baby. I'm no racist.

Movie: Sin City
Marv: [Marv is walking in the back door to Kadie's] [voiceover]
Marv: Walk down the right back alley in Sin City...
Bouncer: [the bouncer throws someone out the door] Leave your hands off Nancy!
Marv: [voiceover] ... and you could find anything. [Marv steps over the man on the ground and walks right up to the bouncer]
Bouncer: That coat looks like Baghdad. So does your face. Take off! [Marv jabs his thumbs into the bouncer's eyes and walks him backwards through the door]
Bouncer: Urrrghh... aaahhhhh! Ahhh! [Marv throws him into a corner booth]
Maeve: [watching the whole thing] He's new here, Marv, he didn't know.

Movie: Sin City
Marv: I had to fight some cops.
Lucille: Oh, that's lovely. You didn't happen to kill any of them, did you?
Marv: Nah, I don't think so, but they know they been in a fight, that's for sure.

Movie: Sin City
Shellie: [after Dwight dunks Jackie-Boy in his own urine] Dwight, what did you do to him?
Dwight: I gave him a taste of his own medicine.

Movie: Sin City
Yellow Bastard: Do you think I'm tired? You think I'm getting tired? You're the one who's gonna crack! You'll crack! You'll cry and beg! You'll Scream! Oh, yeah, you'll scream, you big, fat, ugly cow! You'll scream! [leans in closer]
Yellow Bastard: You thinking the whip was the worse I could do? That was foreplay.
Nancy Callahan: Hartigan was right about you. You can't get it up unless I scream. You're pathetic! You're pathetic.
Yellow Bastard: It's not wise at all to make fun of me like that. It brings out the worst in me. [raises knife]

Movie: Sin City
John Hartigan: I take away his weapon. [shoots Junior's hand]
John Hartigan: [pauses] Both of them. [shoots Junior's groin]

Movie: Sin City
[ while holding a razor to Jackie Boy's face ]
Dwight : I'm Shellie's new boyfriend and I'm out of my mind. If you so much as talk to her or even think her name, I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.
Jack Rafferty : You're making a big mistake, man. A *big* mistake.
Dwight : You made a big mistake yourself... you didn't flush.

Movie: Sin City
Marv : I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad.

Movie: Sin City
[ a grenade lands at his feet ]
Dwight : And everything seemed to be going so well.

Movie: Sin City
[ repeated line ]
Dwight, Gail : Yeesh.

Movie: Sin City
Wendy : [ to Marv ] You can call me Goldie.

Movie: Sin City
Dwight : The Valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter... and so am I.

Movie: Sin City
Marv : This is blood for blood and by the gallon. These are the old days, the bad days, the all-or-nothing days. They're back! There's no choice left. And I'm ready for war.

Movie: Sin City
Marv : It wasn't you losers who killed Goldie. The guy who did that knew what he was doing. Still, you got to have something to tell me. Like who it was who sent you. [ Marv pistol whips him ]
Marv : [ pause ]
Marv : I don't hear you giving me any name, jerk. Guess when I shot you in the belly, I aimed a little too high. [ shoots him in the crotch ]
Marv : You keep holding out on me like this, and I'm going to have to get really nasty.
Stan : It was Telly Stern passed me the order. Runs the tables over to the Triple Ace Club.

Movie: Sin City
Ronnie : Remember - we don't have to deliver every last inch of the man, Brian!
Brian : You're right, Ronnie - lend us your knife.

Movie: Sin City
Marv : Modern cars - they all look like electric shavers.

Movie: Sin City
Cardinal Roark : Kevin? Is that you?
Marv : [ holding up Kevin's severed head ] What's left of him, anyway. The dog ate the rest.

Movie: Sin City
Cardinal Roark : Will that bring you satisfaction, my son? Killing a helpless, old, fart?
Marv : Killing? No. No satisfaction. Everything up until the killing, will be a gas.

Movie: Sin City
Dwight : [ narrating ] Dozens of them. Armed to the teeth. I'm outnumbered. Outgunned. But the alley is crooked, dark, and very narrow. They can't surround me. Sometimes you can beat the odds with a careful choice of where to fight.
Dwight : [ holding Jackie Boy's head over the group of mobsters with Becky and Gail in tow ] You can have Old Town! I don't care... just gimme the woman! [ Jackie Boy's head 'talks' with tape over its mouth ]
Dwight : Shut up.
Gail : Dwight... don't do this.
Becky : Hey, wait a minute, something's not right...
Schutz : SHUT UP! Or I'll plug ya.
Manute : Of course, Mr. McCarthy. A fair trade. She's all yours.
Manute : [ the head and Gail are exchanged. The group raise their guns ] Now, if you'll explain to me why we shouldn't blow both of you to pieces?
Gail : Dwight... what have you done?
Dwight : Exactly what I had to... every step of the way.
Becky : No! It isn't right! There wasn't no tape over his mouth! How come there's tape over his mouth? [ Dwight produces Brian's remote and the head detonates from a hidden grenade, knocking back a few of the gangsters ]
Dwight : [ narrating ] Where to fight counts for a lot...
Manute : Cute trick, McCarthy... but it will do you no good...
Dwight : [ continuing ] But there's nothing like having your friends show up... [ We see a battalion of armed Old Town girls surround the alley ]
Dwight : With lotsa guns...
Manute : NO! McCarthy, you SHIT!

Movie: Sin City
Marv : [ Narrating, watching Kevin go downstairs ] Heading down for a midnight snack... and I can guess what kind.

Movie: Sin City
Shellie : If you're gonna slug me, just go ahead and get it over with, you sick bastard.
Jack Rafferty : There you go, lying about me again in front of my friends. I have never hit a woman in my life. [ Jackie-Boy hits Shellie in the face ]

Movie: Sin City
Dwight : He's got the drop on her!
Gail : He's got squat! He's dead. He's just too damn dumb to know it.

Movie: Sin City
Wendy : Kill em' for me Marv. Kill 'em good.
Marv : I won't let you down, Goldie.

Movie: Sin City
Yellow Bastard : Do you think I'm tired? You think I'm getting tired? You're the one who's gonna crack! You'll crack! You'll cry and beg! You'll Scream! Oh, yeah, you'll scream, you big, fat, ugly cow! You'll scream! [ leans in closer ]
Yellow Bastard : You thinking the whip was the worse I could do? That was foreplay.
Nancy Callahan : Hartigan was right about you. You can't get it up unless I scream. You're pathetic! You're pathetic.
Yellow Bastard : It's not wise at all to make fun of me like that. It brings out the worst in me. [ raises knife ]

Movie: Sin City
Shellie : I've done some dumb things.
Dwight : Seeing as how I'm one of those dumb things, I can't give you too hard a time on that, Shellie.

Movie: Sin City
[ last lines ]
The Salesman : [ narrating ] Turn the right corner in Sin City, and you can find anything...
The Salesman : Becky, care for a smoke?
Becky : [ on cell phone ] I love you too, mom.
The Salesman : [ narrating, screen goes black ] ... Anything.

Movie: Sin City
Marv : So, you were scared, weren't you Goldie? Somebody wanted you dead and you knew it. Well, I'm gonna find that son of a bitch that killed you, and I'm gonna give him the hard goodbye. Walk down the right back alley in Sin City, and you can find anything.

Movie: Sin City
[ narration ]
Marv : The night's as hot as hell. It's a lousy room in a lousy part of a lousy town - I'm staring at a goddess. She's telling me she wants me. I'm not going to waste one more minute wondering how I've gotten this lucky. She smells like angels ought to smell, the perfect woman... the Goddess. Goldie. She says her name is Goldie.

Movie: Sin City
Nancy, Age 11 : They won't let me testify. I told the cops that you saved my life and they just acted like I was crazy. They talked my parents into keeping me away. They said that you done things that you didn't do. I told them that you saved me from that Roark creep, but they won't even check me out to see if I'm still a virgin. I'm still a virgin, still alive... thanks to you. They got it all backwards.
John Hartigan : Sometimes the truth doesn't matter like it ought. But you'll always remember things right. That's gonna mean a lot to me. But stay away, Nancy. They'll kill you if you don't stay away. Don't visit me. Don't write me. Don't even say my name.
Nancy, Age 11 : Maybe you won't let me visit, but I'll still write to you, Hartigan. I'll sign my letters "Cordelia." That's the name of a really cool detective in books I read. I'll write to you every week... for forever.
John Hartigan : Sure, kid. Now run on home. It's not safe for you here. [ Nancy walks away ]
John Hartigan : Bye, Nancy. [ Nancy turns around at the door ]
Nancy, Age 11 : I love you.

Movie: Sin City
Cardinal Roark : What the hell do you know...
Marv : I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people.

Movie: Sin City