Sin City Quote

Dwight : [ narrating ] Dozens of them. Armed to the teeth. I'm outnumbered. Outgunned. But the alley is crooked, dark, and very narrow. They can't surround me. Sometimes you can beat the odds with a careful choice of where to fight.
Dwight : [ holding Jackie Boy's head over the group of mobsters with Becky and Gail in tow ] You can have Old Town! I don't care... just gimme the woman! [ Jackie Boy's head 'talks' with tape over its mouth ]
Dwight : Shut up.
Gail : Dwight... don't do this.
Becky : Hey, wait a minute, something's not right...
Schutz : SHUT UP! Or I'll plug ya.
Manute : Of course, Mr. McCarthy. A fair trade. She's all yours.
Manute : [ the head and Gail are exchanged. The group raise their guns ] Now, if you'll explain to me why we shouldn't blow both of you to pieces?
Gail : Dwight... what have you done?
Dwight : Exactly what I had to... every step of the way.
Becky : No! It isn't right! There wasn't no tape over his mouth! How come there's tape over his mouth? [ Dwight produces Brian's remote and the head detonates from a hidden grenade, knocking back a few of the gangsters ]
Dwight : [ narrating ] Where to fight counts for a lot...
Manute : Cute trick, McCarthy... but it will do you no good...
Dwight : [ continuing ] But there's nothing like having your friends show up... [ We see a battalion of armed Old Town girls surround the alley ]
Dwight : With lotsa guns...
Manute : NO! McCarthy, you SHIT!

Movie: Sin City


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