Sin City Quote

[ Dwight is driving to The Pits ]
Jack Rafferty : ...sccaught you ssmokinggthere, bud.
Dwight : You shut the hell up, Jackie-Boy. You're dead. I'm just imagining this, so shut the hell up.
Jack Rafferty : ...Hntells you somethin 'bout your sstate a' mind don't it?... Ss'got you hearin things'got yer nerves shot. S'got you ssmoking... You know it's truuuuuuue nobody ever really quitsss... Smoker's a smoker when the chips're downn and your chips're down, pretty much
Dwight : I'm fine, you shut the hell up.
Jack Rafferty : Will ya look at thaat! Oooooh, those hookers let ya dowwnn hehehehe... What're you gonna do when ya run outta gas? Call Triple A? You ssucker for the babes, you... You ain't even gonna make itt to The Pitss.
Dwight : You shut the hell up... I'll make it.
Jack Rafferty : Not unless you keep your eyess on the road, sshugar-pie...
Jack Rafferty : [ shouts ] Watch it! [ Dwight swerves to miss an oncoming car. Jackie-Boy falls onto Dwight's arm, leaning on him ]
Jack Rafferty : Ahh this is grrreatt, s'just like being in a buddy movie. Heheheheh...
Jack Rafferty : Shut Up! [ flings Jackie-Boy off of him ]
Jack Rafferty : Hehehe [ cop on a motorcycle follows them ]
Jack Rafferty : Oh, you're screwed. It's over. [ lights cigarette ]
Jack Rafferty : You're flushed.
Dwight : This time I can't bring myself to tell him to shut up. Sure he's an asshole... Sure he's dead... Sure I'm just imagining that he's talking. None of that stops the bastard from being absolutely right. I don't have a chance in hell of outrunning this cop. Not in this heap. The only question left is whether I'm gonna kill him or not. Tough call. For all I know, he's an honest cop, regular gu

Movie: Sin City


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