Skins Quotes

Random Party Guy: Isn't your dad a farmer?
Alo: Yeah.
Random Party Guy: Has he got any guns?
Alo: Yeah, a few. So?
Random Party Guy: BAIL! [Everyone rushes out of the house]

TV Show: Skins
Alo: You're actually all right, aren't you?
Mini: Yeah. I'm all right... [Alo doesn't leave] I thought you were fucking off.

TV Show: Skins
[Rich is laughing to himself]
Alo: Has Hannah Montana died or something?

TV Show: Skins
Alo: I'm gonna try, okay? I'm really gonna try to be better. You need to try too, Mum. Sometimes, you make me feel so fucking useless. But I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna grow up.

TV Show: Skins
[Blood rejects Grace's request to have friends over]
Grace: Why? Because education is war?
Blood: Education is war. Against inefficiency, ignorance, idleness, and chewing gum.

TV Show: Skins
The Blood Family: [singing The Pea Song] We want some peas! We want some peas! Please please please give us some peas!

TV Show: Skins
Mini: Franky, uh, you haven't really told us whether you're a... you know. Or a...
Franky: What?
Liv: A lesbian!
Grace: Liv! That's so-
Franky: No. It's okay. I don't mind. And the answer is... No. I'm not anything.
Mini: So you're bisexual?
Franky: No. I'm into... people.

TV Show: Skins
Blood: I'm doing this because I love you. I just want better for you.
Grace: No, David. You just want a different daughter.

TV Show: Skins
Grace: You were right, Rich. You were totally right. I'm not real.
Rich: Yes, you are, you're real to me. I was a twat for saying that-
Grace: I'm a story. A character of fucking fiction. But you're not. The others aren't. My parents aren't, and I don't belong here.
Rich: Where are you going?
Grace: To a fucking castle in the clouds.

TV Show: Skins
Grace: You're very sweet. But this can't happen, Rich. There's nothing we can do, it's over.
Rich: Oh, whilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
Grace: Tell me. Tell me what to do. What's left to do?
Rich: The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine. What do people in Shakespeare do when it's all fucked, when they're trapped? How do they work it all out? Maybe stories are just stories. Or maybe... we can make our life a story. So marry me, Grace Violet Blood.
[Grace and Rich kiss]
Grace: Oh, wonder. How many goodly creatures are there here. How beauteous mankind is. Oh, brave new world. That has such people in it.

TV Show: Skins
Rich: I look like...
Alo: Justin Bieber.
Rich: Take that back!

TV Show: Skins
Nick: [After seeing Rich's new haircut] Oh my gay, it's Justin Bieber!

TV Show: Skins
[During everyone's beer fight]
Nick: Beer rain! THERE IS A GOD!

TV Show: Skins
Mini: He just wants to fuck you and then fuck you up!
Franky: Good.

TV Show: Skins
Matty: I love you. I want you. But...
Liv: But it's not enough, is it? And all the chemicals in the world won't make it enough. I would swallow razorblades to see you smile, but even that wouldn't do it.

TV Show: Skins
Matty: She's off it, she'll get lost.
Liv: And I won't?
Matty: No, Liv. You'll always be okay. [Walks off to find Franky]
Liv: And that girl will ALWAYS be lost!

TV Show: Skins
Nick: [With his leg caught in a trap] Save yourself! Leave me to the bears.
Alo: We're in Somerset, Nick.
Nick: To the fucking squirrels then!

TV Show: Skins
Alo: [To Nick] You're not a loser. You're a bit of a prick. But peel away that prick, and there's a good man in there.

TV Show: Skins
Franky: You know, when I was six, the teacher asked me to think of something beautiful. I said 9/11. Saw it on the T.V. in this care home with the sound on mute. The teacher told me how many people had died, and all the other kids in the class cried. And I knew then that I was... wrong.

TV Show: Skins
Nick and Alo, in unison: DAVID FUCKING BLOOD!

TV Show: Skins
Grace: I'm your daughter, not Al-Qaida!

TV Show: Skins
Nick: Yeah. I fell down a fu... freaking k-hole actually. But these guys caught me. It’s what mates do. ‘Cause it’s screwed up out there, I don't know if you've been outside lately but it is. But we have a go. Whatever comes, we have a good go at it. ‘Cause it’s all we can do.

TV Show: Skins