Small Wonder Quote

Harriet Brindle: [Jaime had asked Harriet to go and but him a pineapple, when they are currently out of season, Harriet however returns with a pineapple] Hey Jaime! guess what? I found a pineapple.
Jamie Lawson: Ooooh noooo.
Harriet Brindle: It cost me a months allowance at the gourmet restaurant, but for you, it was worth it.
Reggie Williams: [laughing] Jaime, remember what you said? that if Harriet found a pineapple between here and Hawaii, you'd marry her?
Harriet Brindle: He did? I accept.
Harriet Brindle: Hi father -in law [hugs Mr. Lawson]
Harriet Brindle: Hi mother - in law [hugs Mrs. Lawson]
Harriet Brindle: Hi sister - in law [hugs Vicky]

TV Show: Small Wonder


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