Snake Eyes Quote

Kevin Dunne: [after Rick is pummeled by Tyler] Sounds like three broken ribs to me. What is this? A heroic stand? You're the wrong guy for it, Rick. You'll be all alone in the spotlight. And guys like you can't stand up to that light. You'll burn up under it. The press starts looking for dirt on you - and they will - it will be a mudslide. Forget about your job, your sweet life in Margate. Start thinking about jail! Your girlfriend will be gone, too, at the first sign of trouble but not before she has a little chat with Angela so say good-bye to your wife too! Twice a month with Michael won't be so bad, if you can get him to spend the night in your shitty apartment! You will lose it all, my friend - everything! And your whole connected life will fall the hell apart. Is that what you want? All you have to do is be consistent for God's sake. Do what you always do: Take the money! You want to be a hero? You want to do something for your country? Then tell me where the girl is! [Rick, wounded and bleeding, smiles and spits blood onto Dunne's medals]

Movie: Snake Eyes


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