Snow White and the Huntsman Quote

The Huntsman: What the hell's going on? Who are you? Why does the Queen want you dead?
Snow White: She wants everyone dead. All of us!
The Huntsman: What makes you so damn valuable?
Snow White: You should know. You're the one hunting me.
The Huntsman: Forget it. I should have never got involved in the Queen's business.
Snow White: Where are you going?
The Huntsman: Getting away from you. You're trouble, is what you are.
Snow White: I need to get to the Duke's castle. There's an army there.
The Huntsman: Oh the Duke's army? Bunch of farmers with milkmaids and pitchforks. I know sheep that have more fight in them.
Snow White: I'm valuable. That's why you're here, isn't it? If you return without me you're dead. If you leave me I'm dead.
The Huntsman: Just for argument's sake, how much reward?
Snow White: However much is enough.
The Huntsman: At least thirty gold pieces.
Snow White: One hundred. Help me.
The Huntsman: Who are you?
Snow White: Maybe you should have asked the Queen that.
The Huntsman: I don't trust you.
Snow White: I've given you my word.
The Huntsman: I still don't trust you. But you have a deal.

Movie: Snow White and the Huntsman


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