Sonny With a Chance Quotes

Sonny Munroe: This is last you will see of Sonny Munroe! I mean other than the fact that we have to rehearse.
Tawni Hart, Nico, Grady, Zora: Yeah. [Sonny leaves the room]
Sonny Munroe: You know what, I forgot my jacket. [She points to the jacket]
Tawni Hart: Girl it's cold out there.
Sonny Munroe: [Sonny grabs the jacket off of the rack] This is the last you see of Sonny Munroe! [Sonny leaves the room. Then walks in the room again]
Sonny Munroe: I don't even have a jacket. [Sonny puts the jacket up]
Tawni Hart: Put that back silly. [the rest of the gang are collaborating with Sonny]
Sonny Munroe: But this is the last you see of Sonny Munroe! I say good day. [She leaves the room]

TV Show: Sonny with a Chance
Sonny: (on phone) Chad can we discuss this like real people? Really? He said he's on his way back.
Chad: (bursts in on forklift)
Cast: (screams)&(Hides)
Chad: So what do you wanna discuss?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Oh. It's a picture...of you.
Chad: Yeah but look how its signed.
Sonny: 'To my biggest fan: I'm sorry T.V.'s Chad Dylan Cooper' Aww. I'm touched! That's so sweet Chad! What did you get for Nico and Grady?
Chad: Oh that's easy. I let them take a ride on the forklift.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: I can't believe I'm really here! Mom!
Connie: Ahhh! This is so exciting! All right. Come here. Now hold still. (rubs Sonny's face)
Sonny: Mom! Stop it! Stop it! Cut it out! We don't need more sunblock. I'm inside.
Connie: Alright, I'm sorry.You know, it's not everyday I hand my beautiful daughter over to show business.
Sonny: Look mom. We talked about this. Show business is not going to change me.
Connie: You've got a big head.
Sonny: What? I do not. I'm the same girl I was back home in Wisconsin.
Connie: With a much bigger head.
Sonny: My head is the exact same size as-
Connie: (turns Sonny around)
Sonny: (sees a large picture of herself) Whoa. I do have a big head. Cool!
Marshall: Ah! There she is! There's my new star!
Sonny: Mr. Pike!
Marshall: (shakes Sonny's hand) Please, it's Marshall. (shakes Connie's hand) Connie we're so thrilled to have Sonny join our family. Oh, and I promise you, she's in very good hands here.
Connie: Good. Because you know what we do to people in Wisconsin who make promises they can't keep.
Marshall: You make them into cheese. (laughs then stop) I can see where Sonny gets her sense of humor.
Sonny: Actually I get it from my dad. She's not kidding. But she is hovering.
Connie: Alright. Alright. I can take a hint. Someone wants their mom to leave. Okay, come here. Before I go I know I have said this many times but-
Sonny: Don't talk to strangers.
Connie: No, but yes.
Sonny: Don't swim after eating?
'Connie: No but yes.
Sonny: Don't skateboard with a sucker in your mouth.
Connie: I am trying to tell you how proud I am of you. I just, couldn't be prouder... [rubbing Sonny's face]<

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: You did WHAT on the WHO NOW?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Nico: oh man, This ain't MacKenzie Falls.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (pointing to a magazine with Sonny and Hayden kissing on the cover) Who is this guy?!
Tawni: The love of my life!
Chad: (voice high)THEN WHY IS SHE KISSING HIM?!
Tawni: I DON'T KNOW!
Sonny: I told you it was the kiss cam!
Nico: Sonny...

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Marshall: Well, here we are kiddo. This is the prop house.
Sonny: Oh my gosh, this is so cool. I've read about this place. Wow, this is where the cast hangs out. This is the gnome from the gnome sketch. And, that's the sarcophagus for the mommy dearest sketch. [sighs] Wow. And, ah, that's a pink hat that I've never really seen before.
Marshall: Yep. One day, there'll be props in here from sketches you're in, maybe one of your hats. Anyway, just know as executive producer, I'm always here for you. [beep]
intercom: Marshall, your mother is on line four.
Marshall: Take a message.
intercom: And five.
Marshall: I gotta go. [walks away]
Sonny: [walks to sarcophagus, opens it and sees Zora] Ahh!
Zora: Ahh!
Sonny: Ahh!
Zora: Ahh! Don't you knock?
Sonny: Sorry, I didnb't realize anyone was here. But, your Zora, and I'm Sonny. I'm new.
Zora: Ha. Obviously, otherwise, you would have knocked. Now, if you'll mind... (shut sarcophagus.)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Grady: You play the mother, I play the baby. You play the stomach, I play the barf.
Nico: I thought you like playing the barf, bro.
Grady: No, I like playing the barf. It's the funniest thing that comes out of you but, you know.
Sonny: Hey guys. [holds her hand out]
Nico: Hello there. Nico. [kisses Sonny's hand] But you knew that.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: [dancing] I'm on the show! I'm in So Random! I'm in Hollywood! Yeah! [the sarcophagus opens] Oh my gosh!
Zora: Sweet! I'm no longer the weird one! [runs off]

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Hey, does this fat suit make me look fat?
Tawni: You're in a fat suit?
Sonny Ha, ha. See, I was going to tell you how good you did in that fast food sketch, but now I don't think I'm going to.
Tawni: You just did.
Sonny: Darn my niceness!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Oh, my gosh! I know you! You're... You're...
Chad: [pointing at picture of himself] Him? Chad Dylan Cooper.
Sonny: You're MacKenzie on MacKenzie Falls!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Yes! No! No! Madge is my waitress character. And all this belongs to Madge, too. : [gestures to her fat suit] Hi, I'm Sonny.
Chad: Sonny. That's a nice name.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: [reads Chad's autograph] Sonny, thanks for the yogurt. Chad Dylan Cooper. I-I didn't give you any yogurt! Chad Dylan Cooper just stole my yogurt! [talks to an anonymous person] Oh, my gosh! Chad Dylan Cooper just stole my yogurt!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: We were trying to make peace.
Chad: Please, you were trying to trap us.
Sonny: Trap you? You've obviously been watching your show too much. You know, not everything is cutthroat and gossipy? Sometimes people do things because they're trying to be nice.
Chad: Do they, Sonny? Do they, really? Look, it was sweet of you to put that picnic together. It was way sweet. But the bad blood between our two shows has run too deep for too long to be healed by a bowl of egg salad, and even the best of intentions. [holds Sonny's hand] Just because you wish for something doesn't make it so.
Sonny: Oh, Chad Dylan--
Chad: Shh. The time for talking is over. I must go. So run-- run back to your show, and put your sweet little dreams of peace to bed. [walks away]
Sonny: (staring at Chad) What just happened?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: You know. A lot of people say that it's So Random! that we won this award. But it's not So Random! ... it's never So Random! . Because Mackenzie Falls rules! Thank you, Tweens!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: There SHE Is!
Sonny: Hey, guys. Where have you been?
Grady: Where have we been? Where have you been?
Sonny: I asked you first.
Nico: What happened with Chad?
Sonny: Well, see, I went... [ turns on a hairdryer and its whirring loudly ] [inaudible ) - ( whirring stops ) - And that's why everything is okay.
Grady: Did you get back our stuff?
Sonny: (whirring loudly but Zora turns off the hairdryer)
Zora: Stop blowing and start talking.
Sonny: Well, interesting story.
Tawni: Did it go something like this? Blah Blah Blah Peace picnic! Blah Blah Blah Oh, I've got nothing.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Actually, I'm acting like a chicken. I'm not afraid to act like a fool. (continues bawking)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Good. See you at noon.
Chad: Yes you will! You smell like ham.
Sonny: I've seen you're acting. That makes two of us. (leaves)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (he and Sonny left in musical chairs) Looks like it's just you, me, and one more thing you're not gonna get.
Sonny: You know, you're acting pretty confident for someone who's gonna lose!
Chad: Ha ha ha. At least I can act.
Sonny: Can you, Chad? Can you, really?
Nico: She's givin' it right back to him.
Tawni: We might actually win!
So Random Cast: Yes! Yes! (music stops and Sonny trips) No!
Sonny: Ow! It's my ankle, it really hurts. I think something snapped.
Chad: (forgets the game) Oh, man... that looks really serious. We'd better get you to a doctor. Just take my hand.
Sonny: (grabs his hand then smiles and pulls him down, then jumps into the chair to win the game) Peace out, suckas!!
So Random Cast: (cheers for Sonny)
Tawni: (hugs Sonny but then lets go shortly)
Chad: You tricked me!
Sonny: No... I was acting!
Chad: Not bad. Perhaps there's a spot for you on MacKenzie Falls... after Portlyn disappears in a mysterious ballooning accident.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (drops the pen) Fine! You have seen the last of Sonny Munroe! I mean other than the fact that we have to rehearse.
Tawni, Nico, Grady, Zora: (agreeing with Sonny)
Sonny: But other than that you have seen the last of Sonny Munroe! (leaves but comes back) Actually I forgot my jacket.
So Random Cast: (laughing at how silly that Sonny forgot her jacket)
Sonny: Other than that, you have seen the last of Sonny Munroe! (leaves then comes back again) I don't even have a jacket!
So Random Cast: (laughing again that Sonny doesn't even have a jacket)
Sonny: Now for the last time, you have seen the last of Sonny Munroe! I say, good day. (finally leaves)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (bangs the gong again) Sorry!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
(Sonny drops her phone into the sink and Tawni turns on the carbage disposal, causing Sonny's phone to dial Chad.)
Chad: (answering phone) Let me hear you say HEEEEEEEYYYYY!
Sonny: (on phone) No! That's my phone! (the garbage disposal can be heard in the background)
Chad: Sonny...Sonny?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: This is hard for me to say but Sonny is blind!
So Random Cast: (looks at her confused)
Nico: What do you mean she's blind?
Zora: Well he said she couldn't see me. And that could mean one thing: blind. Oh, and they got her all tied up in a bell tower!
Grady: How do you know?
Zora: Well I heard this loud chime.
Tawni: Are you sure it's not a gong in a meditation room?
Zora: Oh that's insane. I'm telling you. Something smells fishy.
Grady: This is like that episode of Mackenzie Falls where they-where they blinded that girl and brainwashed her.
So Random Cast: (looks at him in shock)
Grady: (smiles nervously) Not that I watch it.
Nico: Not that I watch it either, but that was never really an episode.
Zora: Because this is really happening people!
Tawni: Wait, something else is happening. My palms are sweaty. My heart's racing.
Nico: I think you're caring.
Tawni: (confused) What?
Nico: For someone besides yourself.
Tawni: WHAT?! We have to stop that! We got to get Sonny back! Not for her but for me!
Zora: Well, I have a plan but you guys are going to have to trust me. (crouches down in a circle with Nico and Grady)
Tawni: Trusting, caring. It's all too much!
Grady: (pushes Tawni's head down)
Tawni: Whoa!
Zora: (tells them her plan)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: My hair itches.
Grady: I have never felt more free. I was born to wear a cape.
Zora: (shocks Grady)
Grady: Oww! What was that for?
Zora: I just mastered my powers. Now back in your poses!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: You trust me, don't you?
Sonny: No, I don't think I do.
Chad: Of course you can. Wait, who is talking while I am acting?
Sonny: (looks around and acts like she did nothing)
Zora: Watch out for the security guard! He's ten feet tall, with arms like tree trunks and legs that...won't be back for ten minutes?
So Random Cast: What?
Grady: Oh man! What are we going do for ten minutes?
Nico: Zora, do your thing.
Zora: (shocks Grady)
Grady: Owwww!!
Tawni: Let's do this thing!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: Sonny!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Marshall: All right. Rehearsal for So You Think You Can Pee Pee Dance. In 5, 4, 3.
Sonny: (wearing a blond wig) This is So You Think You Can Pee Pee Dance! Flo!
Tawni: (comes out of a bathroom stall and dances awkwardly)
Sonny: Pia!
Zora: (comes out of another stall wearing a ballerina costume and dances)
Sonny: Agua!
Nico: (comes out of a stall and dances)
Sonny: And Wee Diddy!
Grady: (wearing gangster clothes and dances)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: What's up peeps? I know you're all flushed with excitement. Because we are streaming live across the world! The final votes have trickled in. We're about to find who will become number one at holding number one. Right after this (makes a hissing sound). So You Think You Can Pee Pee Dance is brought to you by water! (pours water in a cup)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Marshall: (claps) Great rehearsal guys. Now I need a pee pee break.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance