Sonny With a Chance Quotes

Sonny: (enters the prop house,coughing,snezzes)
Chad: Hey, babe.
Nico: Oh don't you babe her! She's our babe!
Grady: Yeah! Hey, babe.
Sonny: Okay, alright, stop arguing. I'm going to stop this right now. Nobody gets to call me babe.
Chad: (gets mad)
Grady: In your face, Chaddy!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
So Random Cast: (arguing who gets Sonny first)
Chad: Hey! Hey! Can't you see milady's not feeling well?
Sonny: (sneezes)
Chad: You people disgust me, almost as much as the snot rocket that just came out of milady's nose. It's okay, come on. Let's go make you some tea because you're sick, (turns to the So Random cast) lovesick. (makes kissing faces)
So Random Cast: (disgusted)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: You know what? You're right. It must be the fever talking because if I wasn't sick, clearly I'd know that you could never handle this list.
Chad: (offended) Really?
Sonny: Really.
Chad: 'Cause I'm pretty sure I can handle a day babysitting your little funhut buddies.
Sonny: (gets up) Yeah, I don't think so.
Chad: (takes the list) I know so.
Sonny: Really?
Chad: Really.
Sonny: Good.
Chad: Good.
Sonny: Fine.
Chad: Fine.
Sonny: I'm going home.
Chad: Feel better.
Sonny: Thanks.
Chad: Miss you.
Sonny: Miss you too. (smiles and leaves)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (holds Sonny's hand) Thanks. You should really put some sunscreen on. I want your face to stay perfect.
Sonny: (smiles)
So Random: (yelling in disgust from distance)
Chad: Get use to it, Randoms!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Chad, it's over.
Chad: (crying) (to Tawni) You said she'd be gentle.
Tawni: (gives Sonny a list)
Sonny: Ooh! Crier! (marks it on the list)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: WHAT did you do!?
Chad: [In a daze] I wrote on the wall with crayons, Mommy.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (gasps) Has Chaz ever pretended to be you?
Chad: (about to speak)
Sonny: (gasps) Were you even on our bike date?
Chad: (about to speak again)
Sonny: (gasps)
Chad: Yeah, but I have a really good reason.
Sonny: Dazzle me.
Chad: (murmurs) I don't know how to ride a bike.
Sonny: What was that?
Chad: I said I don't know how to (murmurs) ride a bike.
Sonny: Excuse me?
Sonny: Yeah, no. I heard you the first time. I just couldn't believe it.
Chad: I have a fear of spokes, and pedals, (points to his face) and this hitting the cement.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (sarcastically laughs) Story's not funny yet. Exactly what dates put you in harm's way?
Chad: (thinks back)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chaz: (throws a dart)
Sonny: (smiles and claps)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Wait, that wasn't you?
Chad: There were pointy things involved. Harm's way.
Sonny: What else?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chaz: Here's your cocoa. (winks)
Sonny: (smiles)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (mad and hands on her hips) Seriously?
Chad: Hot liquid, Sonny. Classic harm's way.
Sonny: You done?
Chad: Uhh...

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny and Chad: (wearing sombreros, staring at each other at a Mexican restaurant)
Chad: Happy one week anniversary, my senorita.
Sonny: And they said we wouldn't last.
Sonny and Chad: (grabs their tacos and clang them together) Ole!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (sad) Our anniversary?
Chad: You know Mexican food makes me gassy, and that would put you in harm's way. See? I'm just looking out for you.
Sonny: No, you weren't. A stunt double? Really? I mean, I just...I can't-
Chad: Spit it out, Sonny.
Sonny: We're over.
Chad: Spit it back in. Spit it back in.
Sonny: No, you know what? We're done. Our whole relationship has been a lie.
Chad: No it hasn't. I just couldn't risk getting hurt.
Sonny: So instead you hurt me. (leaves)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: No, I rather set sail on the Titanic. At least those people got a nice meal before they went down.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (sees Chaz in a wheelchair and bandaged all over) What did you do to Chaz Milton Looper?!
Grady: We broke him, we broke him bad.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (dressed up like Tawni) Check out my Halloween costume! I went as you!
Tawni: (dressed up like Sonny) Check it out! I went as you!
Sonny and Tawni: Check it out, we went as each other!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Nico: The dude is 8 feet tall. How do you lose 8 feet a dude?
Sonny: Okay then Zora, we need you to stall. We have 8 feet of dude to find.
Zora: No no no!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Announcer: Are you ready to get So Random?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Announcer: Remember all those great songs from summer camp?
Tawni and Nico: Sure!
Announcer: Well, what about the ones you haven't heard of?
Tawni and Nico: Haven't heard them!
Announcer: Yes, it's Counselor Jenny (Sonny) and Dan Dan the Guitar Man (Grady) singing the songs that got them fired from over 100 camps. Truly awful songs like "Counselor Spread a Rumor".
Sonny: (singing) Gather around the campfire spark and hear how Ben's afraid of the dark.
Grady: (playing the guitar and singing) He cries at night when the lights go out. He weeps like a baby, he screams and shouts.
Sonny and Grady: Everyone points when they see him go by. That's the reason he's shy.
Announcer: And that's not all. You'll also get heartless classics like "Your Homesick (But Your Parents Don't Care)".
Grady: You cry because your homesick at night.
Sonny: Yes you do!
Grady: You think your parents miss you. You're not right.
Sonny: You're dead wrong!
Grady and Sonny: Your mom and dad are clapping. They don't have to hear your yapping.
Grady: And yes they said...
Grady and Sonny: Not to call!
Announcer: And the insensitive hits keep on coming!
Sonny: (singing) A kid got wedgied by the lake last year. The lake last year, the lake last year. A kid got wedgied by the lake last year and now his undies are hanging from a flagpole. (looks menacingly at the the kids)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Announcer: Yes, it's 24 songs, sung by two terrible people!
Grady and Sonny: Order now!
Sonny: (frowns) Or else.
Tawni and Nico: We will! (reaches for the phone)
Zora: No you won't!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: (is mad and staring at her lipstick)
Sonny: (walks in and singing) A kid got wedgied by the lake last year-
Tawni: (turns to Sonny) What did you do?!
Sonny: The machine gave me an extra granola bar! What was I suppose to do?! Put it back?
Tawni: I don't care about that.
Sonny: Good, cause I didn't.
Tawni: Well you used my lipstick.
Sonny: No, I didn't. Trust me, the only thing touching these lips is this granola bar. Followed shortly by this granola bar. (shows Tawni another granola bar)
Tawni: Well if you didn't use my Cocoa Moco Cocoa then who did?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Grady: (eating yogurt) Hey did I get any yogurt on my face?
Nico: Question is did you get any in your mouth.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: So Zora, who was that cute boy you were flirting with?
Zora: I wasn't flirting.
Sonny: Then why'd you flick a pea at him?
Zora: I don't know.
Tawni: Do you like him?
Zora: I don't know.
Sonny: Does he like you?
Zora: I don't know.
Tawni: What do you know?
Zora: That you're annoying me.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: But without me she wou-
Tawni: No! Sonny, every time you sprinkle your rainbows and cheddar dust all over a situation it ends poorly. So don't meddle.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Cut! Take five! Milady on the set! (throws a imaginary lasso at Sonny and pulls the lasso)
Sonny: (not moving)
Chad: (still pulling the lasso)
Sonny: (shakes her head) Really? Sonny it up?
Chad: (wrapping the lasso) Yeah, that's the word you use when meddling just won't do.
Sonny: (throws the imaginary lasso down) Put that down.
Chad: (moves the lasso away)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: (talking about Wesley) I'm so proud of him.
Sonny: What about me?
Chad: Oh, you're totally going to Sonny it up.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Wesley: (to Sonny) I'm a man, baby.
Sonny: You're a baby, man!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Tawni: Oh, so I guess the meddling worked out..
Sonny: It's for me.
Tawni: exactly like I thought it would.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Zora: Hey ladies. Sonny, how is your boyfriend? (singing) Mine's great. Don't worry Tawni, you'll find you someone.
Tawni: (stares at Zora blankly) Hey Zora, look what Westley sent.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance