Sonny With a Chance Quotes

Chad: Oh, hey Sonny.
Sonny: Sorry Chad, can't talk, I'm in a hurry.
Chad: Oh right, right that whole secret prom, [Sonny turns around] They're not that much of a secret when every kid on the lot is walking around with fliers that read 'Secret Prom!'
Sonny: Aren't you exited? I'm even exited about how exited I am!
Chad: Yeah, we're not really feeling that over at the Falls...mostly we just think it's dumb?
Sonny: Well, if you think it's so dumb, then maybe you and your little snobby friends at Mackenzie Falls shouldn't come.
Chad: Well maybe we won't.
Sonny: Good! 'Cause your officially uninvited.
Chad: Good 'Cause we officially wouldn't have come anyway.
Sonny: You're only saying that cause I just uninvited you.
Chad: You only uninvited me because I just said I didn't wanna come.
Sonny: Are we done here?
Chad: Oh we're beyond done.
Sonny: Good!
Chad: Good!
Sonny: Good!
Chad: Good!
Sonny: So we're good?
Chad: Oh we're so good.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Ugh! Stupid cookie!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: I once had a friend who was a little bloomer. She was only one merit badge shy of becoming a full grown blossom scout. [Starts having flash back]
Mrs. Mongergoure: Sonny Monroe, you will NEVER be a Blossom Scout!!! [Rips of Sonny's stouch. Sonny starts crying. Flashback ends and Sonny if still crying.]
Sonny: My friend never got to realize her dream.
Tawni: Im not really paying attention. And I can already tell this freind of your's is you.
Zora: Well would you or your friend like to buy a box of cookies?
Sonny: You know what put me down for a box
Zora: It's the only record I don't currently hold!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Gilroy: Please give it up for Chad Dylan Cooper!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Whoa, watch it.
Sonny: Chad? Oh my gosh what happened? (refers to Chad's black eye)
Chad: Oh, I just got in a huge fight over at the Falls.
Sonny: (nods) They don't like you either?
Chad: Funny. No we were shooting a scene. I know it's hard to believe I can look this good when I look this bad huh? (Sonny looks down) Normally that would've charmed you. What's up with you?
Sonny: Nothing, I'm just a little bummed. I missed my prom back home and I just got some pictures from my best friend.
Chad: Oh pshht. You're not missing much! I've been to a bunch of proms and they have all ended in disaster.
Sonny: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Chad: Yeah, episode 10, my hair caught on fire. Last year's season finale, my date turns out to be my long lost sister...
Sonny: What? Chad those are fake proms.
Chad: Fake proms, real proms they all stink.
Sonny: No they don't! They're romantic! You know a girl dreams her whole life about going to the prom and sharing that perfect dance with a very special guy.
Chad: And then he gets hit in the head by a faulty disco ball, episode 16!
Sonny: You know what Chad? you wouldn't know real romance if it punched you in the face. In fact you wouldn't know a real punch in the face if it punched you in the face, because there is nothing real about you.
Chad: Well here's something real for you, I really don't wanna stand here and talk to you.
Sonny: Good! Cause I really don't wanna stand here and talk to you!
Chad: Good!
Sonny: Good!
Chad: Good! (Sonny and Chad turn and walk different directions) (Chads phone rings) Hello?
Sonny: Good!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Good!
Chad: (on phone) Good.
Sonny: Good!
Chad: Good
Sonny: Good and goodbye! (hangs up cell phone) Chad says hi!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (answering the phone) Hello?
Chad: Good!
Sonny: (hangs up and furious)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Then you and me are going to have to go to Lookout Mountain.
Sonny: I'm not going to Lookout Mountain with you. That's a date place.
Chad: Do you want them broken up?
Sonny: Yes.
Chad: Pick you up at eight. (winks at Sonny)
Sonny: (smiles)

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: How it this suppose to break up Bitterman and Marshall?
Chad: It's all in the script.
Sonny: What script?!
Chad: (takes out Mackenzie falls script) Episode 319 of Mackenzie Falls! Bigfoot gets the girl, it's a classic!
Sonny: (takes script away from Chad) Oh my gosh! This is your plan? This isn't real! This is a show!
Chad: Sonny, sometimes life imitates art! Okay? And this piece of art happens to be about a couple who takes a drive up Lookout Mountain for a romantic evening...
Nico: Yeah, and then Bigfoot comes out the woods and scares them!
Chad: Yeah, and the guy gets so freaked out, he runs away.
Sonny: And that gets the girl to break up with him...
Chad: Exactly!
Chad: Well, here come the lovebirds, so unless you like the chewy tastes of worms...
Sonny: Nico, put your head back on!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny': With this. (holds up a salt shaker)
Grady: A magic salt shaker?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: If anyone gets caught eat the instructions! Got any questions? (Grady raises his hand) Yes Grady?
Grady: What happens if I've already eaten lunch? I'm kinda full. Do I still have to eat the instructions?
Sonny: Yes.
Grady: Well can you put the instructions on cake?
Sonny: No!
Grady: Cookies?
Sonny: No! NOW GO! GO! GO!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (to Tawni) You wanna go get some cake?
Tawni: Ooh...and cookies.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: I can't just come between love.
Tawni: I don't want you to come between it, I want you to crush it!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Guys I have a confession to make. I asked for a cup of water but I filled it up with soda. (sees that it's not Nico, Grady and Tawni) And you're not Nico, Grady or Tawni. (laughs nervously) I was-I was kidding about the soda. (goes to another table when she think she sees the real Grady) Guys the weirdest thing just happened to me and it's happening again! (sees more Nico, Grady and Tawni lookalikes) Oh no. It's that dream where I end up on t.v. wearing nothing but a hat. (checks if she's in a dream)
Grady: (walks in the cafeteria with Nico) (referring to someone that looks like Nico) What is up Nico? My man, my man! You were great in that Gassie sketch. Just funny.
Nico: I'm standing right next you.
Grady: No you're not. You're right there standing next to me. (sees two people that look like them then gasps) Dude, this means our time machine has worked!
Nico: That wasn't a time machine! It was a clock! And that ain't you! And those aren't Sonnies! And those aren't-
Tawni: (gasps) Then who the heck are you people?
Nico: Now that's definitely Tawni.
Grady: That's Tawni.
Nico: What is going on in here? (sees the real Sonny) Uh Sonny are we in your stupid hat dream?
Sonny: I have no idea what's going on.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Chad what is all this and why are you all dressed up like a paper boy?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (reading the script) Oh my gosh! You're Chad Dylan Cooper! Possibly the greatest actor of our generation! (stops reading) Are you kidding me with this?
Chad: Sonny, I'm giving you a chance here, okay? Just read the lines. Let's just jump to the part where Sonny punches my costar. AND ACTION!
Sonny: I never punched your costar.
Chad: (singsong) Diva!
Sonny: Are you kidding? I'm so not a diva!
Chad: Really, Sonny? Really?
Sonny: You know what? This is ridiculous. I'm out of here.
Chad: Fine!
Sonny: Fine!
Chad: Good!
Sonny: Good! And good luck trying to find a better me than me. Because nobody knows me the way that I know me. (opens the door and sees Selena Gomez)
Sonny: (shocked) Oh my gosh! Selena Gomez!
Selena: (smiles)
Sonny: Can I get your autograph? Here, sign this lousy script.
Selena: (walks past Sonny) Hey Chad. I got your text. And yes, I'll play the part of Sonny.
Sonny: (shocked) What?!
Selena: Personally I think the character's kind of dull but I'll liven her up. (turns to Sonny) And you are?
Sonny: The dull girl that you need to liven up.
Chad: (speaks through the megaphone) Awkward.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (walking to table with snacks with Selena following her) Can I help you?
Selena: No, no. Carry on.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Selena: (into tape recorder) Not a very good dancer.
Sonny: What are you doing and why are you saying things about me into a recorder?
Selena: Well if I'm going to play you I want to play you honestly and realistically. (into tape recorder) Flat hair.
Sonny: My hair is not flat!
Selena: (into tape recorder) Defensive about hair.
Sonny: Would you stop?
Selena: Look, I'm sorry. It's just that I really like to get into my characters.
Sonny: Oh, I know how you feel. One time I played a dog in a sketch. I got so into my character (laughs) I dug a hole in the backyard.
Selena: (laughs)
Sonny: And then I ate my homework. Oh then I bit the mailman!
Selena: (laughs)
Sonny: Well, if someone has to play me I glad it's Selena Gomez.
Selena: Aww, thank you.
Sonny: If there's anything you want to know about me, just ask.
Selena: I just want to know...are you mad at me because I got the part and you didn't?
Sonny: What? (high pitched) Girl, no. No.
Selena: (into tape recorder) Voice gets high when in denial.
Sonny: (high pitched) I am not- (low pitched) I am not in denial. Look you don't know Chad. It's just...this is so typical of him. He just wants to push my buttons.
Selena: (into tape recorder) Has buttons.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Selena: Okay, now we're about to do the scene when you barge in the set of MacKenzie Falls. Now when this happened, do you remember how you felt?
Sonny: Probably mad because I'm always mad when I have to go see Chad.
Selena: Right, but clearly you're mad at yourself because of how much you like him.
Sonny: Right...WHAT?! I don't like Chad! (low pitched) I mean, I don't like Chad.
Selena: (shows Sonny the script) Sure you do. It's right here in the script.
Sonny: What?! Give me that! (takes the script and reads it) All it says is, "Fine! Fine! Good! Good! Fine! Fine!"
Selena: It's not what the lines say. It's what's between the lines.
Sonny: (scoffs) There is nothing between those lines. Trust me.
Selena: (holding her tape recorder)
Sonny: (takes the tape recorder) Now hear this. I'm not indenial. Which, I know sounds like I'm indenial but I'm not. So.....we're good. (gives the tape recorder back)
Chad: (walks in and talks through megaphone) Okay people. Here we go. Chad Dylan Cooper: The Chad Dylan Cooper Story. Sonny Barges in on Mac Falls Set: Take 1. (to Selena) Ms. Gomez, on your mark if you please.
Selena: (gets ready to do the scene)
Chad: Thank you. (to Sonny in megaphone) No extras on set.
Sonny: (leaves the set)
Chad: Okay people. I want to see real energy and real emotion. And ACTION! (gives his megaphone, scarf and beret to Bart and prepares for the scene) Look Portlyn, summer's almost over and once the falls come back to the Falls I need to be free. Shh. Time for talking is over.
Selena: (walks on set) What's the matter with you?!
Chad: What's the matter with me?! What's the matter with.....Wait those words didn't come out of your mouth.
Selena: You've got great legs Portlyn. Let's see

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: I can't believe you kissed Chad! Where in the script does it say that 'Sonny kisses Chad?'
Selena: It's not in the script. I told you, I wanted to play your character honestly.
Sonny: (laughs) And you think that I would kiss him?
Selena: Yes I do.
Sonny: Well, I would never kiss him.
Selena: In that scene?
Sonny: No! Not anywhere! Not in a scene, not in a dream. Not in car. Not near, not far, not here, not there, not anywhere- I'm rhyming aren't I? See, I do that when I don't want to kiss someone.
Selena: Really, Sonny, really?
Sonny: Now you sound like Chad!
Selena: Huh, well that line is in the script. Page eighteen, twenty two and twice on thirty nine.
Sonny: He does say that a lot. (both Sonny and Selena laugh)
Selena: Well maybe it's because he has the same issues as you do.
Sonny: Wha-? Pfft! What are you? Some kind of expert on how people feel about each other? Some sort of relationship...wh-what's the word? [gasps] WIZARD! YES! You like to sprinkle your wizardy relationship dust over people who you think you know, but you don't! No, you don't! So you know what I say? I say good day wizard! [walks away then comes back] I say good day!
Selena: [into recorder] Thinks I'm actually wizard.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: (wearing a wizard costume) Abracadabra!
Selena: Oh what is this now?
Sonny: Well how do you like me playing you? Look at me, I'm Selena Gomez! I'm the relationship wizard! I know everything! Esbono eutusis!
Selena: Check it out! I'm Sonny from Wisconsin! I'm just an exploding ball of sunshine! Check it out! Check it out!
Sonny: Look at me! I'm Selena! I went to acting school so I could learn how to do this! Casmerious appearous! [waves invisible wand in Selena's face] Yeah! It's an invisible wand!
Selena: Well look at me! I'm Sonny and I'm ticking off the person who's playing me in a movie, and maybe I shouldn't because she can make me look really bad!
Sonny: Well look at me, I'm Selena and, I'd never do that to Sonny girl!
Chad: (to Selena) Hey Selena. (looks at Sonny) Hey Scary Potter.
Sonny: (frowns)
Chad: Don't mind me ladies. I'm just here to get a fresh beret and recharge my microphone. (switches berets and gets a new megaphone) [into megaphone] See ya on set. (leaves)
Selena: I don't know what you see in that guy.
Sonny: Are you kidding me? I don't see anything in that guy and I wish you would stop insisting that I do.
Selena: Well if you think I'm playing it wrong then maybe you should just show me.
Sonny: Fine, I will.
Selena: Fine, you're hired.
Sonny: Fine!
Selena: Good!
Sonny: Good!
Selena: Fine!
Sonny: Fine! Great! Now we're doing it! (leaves)
Selena: Oh.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
[Nico and Grady walk into the prophouse and find their lookalikes are gone.]
Nico: Hey, where'd we go? (Tawni walks in)
Tawni: I forgot something.
Grady: Wha-[Tawni slaps him and walks out]
Nico: Oh, you're gonna need some ice for that.
Grady: What did I do?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Sonny: Hey! (whispering) What are you doing here?
Chad: (coughs) I'm here promoting my book.
Sonny: You wrote a book?
Chad: (scoffs) No, I read a book.
Gilroy: Hey, what are you two whispering about [pointing to Chad and Sonny] one of your "secret dates"?

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Oh Sonny, try to stop yourself from falling in love with me, I beg you.
Sonny: [rolls her eyes]
Selena: I'm just a small town girl with a big town dream, and meeting you was the biggest dream of all.
Chad: Again! Really?
Selena: It's okay Chad. She's helping me out.
Sonny: Okay now Selena, remember your biggest dream is to be on So Random! Chad is just a monster who wakes you up! (glares at Chad) Oh and remember that you hate him! You just really, really hate him! [Chad glares at Sonny] Action. [walks off set]
Chad: Sonny-
Sonny: Oh and one more thing! He is the worst actor of our generation!
Chad: BART![Bart comes out and gives Chad a megaphone] CUT! CUT! Stop the lying!
Sonny: You stop the lying!
Chad: You stop the lying!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Selena: Gosh I was wrong! You too should never be together!
Sonny: Finally! I've been trying to tell her that all day!
Chad: You've been trying to tell her that? I've been trying to tell her that too!
Sonny: Well I told her first. She thinks she some relationship wizard.
Chad: Yeah with her wizardly magic beans. Look if I want to like you [through megaphone] then I will.
Sonny: Yeah and if I want to like you then [through megaphone] I will.
Chad: If I want to think you have pretty hair then I will.
Sonny: And if I want to think you have sparkly eyes then I will.
Chad: [In Megaphone] Yes so take that Selena!
Sonny: [In Megaphone] In your face Gomez! (bumps her fist with Chad's)
Selena: Wow. You guys got me. There's nothing going on around here at all! [Through megaphone] YOU TWO

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Wait, wait! So you're leaving my movie?
Selena: Heh, I don't need this! I was in Camp Hiphop! [walks away]
Sonny: Okay, bye Selena! It was nice working with you! Awww, she seems nice. I should call her.
Chad: Why? You're gonna become BFFs with Selena Gomez?
Sonny: Pfft... It could happen! So... do you really think I have pretty hair?
Chad: I dunno... Do you really think I have sparkly eyes?
Sonny: I dunno... Well one of them is.
Chad: wanna be in my movie? I kind of need a Sonny.
Sonny: Fine.
Chad: Fine.
Sonny: Good.
Chad: Good.
Sonny: Fine.
Chad: Fine. I’ll set you up an audition. Nine o’clock?
Sonny: Really, Chad? Really?
Chad: (into the megaphone, quickly) Fine. You got the part.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Hey, hey. My movie's on. Aren't you going to watch it?
Sonny: Shh, there's something better on.
TV Announcer: We now return to Camp Hip-Hop starring Selena Gomez.
Selena:  : [On TV] Hey, Mom. How do you know I can't dance? You gotta see my moves.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Selena:  : [On TV] You've got to send me to Camp Hip-Hop. It's my dream.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Oh, this is better than my movie.

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance
Chad: Tawni, you've been celebrity practical joked sucker!

TV Show: Sonny With a Chance