South Park Quote

Cartman: [the boys are discussing who to kick out of their group] So Kyle, I want to tell you it's been very fun and we're gonna miss you. [pulls out two containers] Here's a nice watch and some peanuts.
Kyle: Me?! But I've been here from the beginning.
Cartman: And it's sad to see you go. Maybe you can make friends with the kids down the road. Three cheers for Kyle! Hip hip...
Stan: [angrily] Dude, we're not kicking Kyle out.
Cartman: [whining] Pleeeeease?
Stan: No.
Cartman: All right, then I guess we have no choice-- [turns to Tweek] but to let you go, Tweek, I want to say you've been great filling in as a fourth friend and we're gonna miss you. [moves the watch and peanuts to Tweek's side] Here's a watch and some peanuts.
Kyle: No way, dude, Tweek's cool.
Stan: Yeah!
Cartman: Well, dumb-asses, how are we gonna make room for Bebe?
[The next day. Stan, Kyle, Bebe, and Tweek are all standing at the bus stop; Cartman is conspicuously absent.]
Bebe: Thanks for inviting me to ride the bus with you this morning.
[Cartman approaches the group.]
Cartman: [furiously] Oh, that's fine! That's fine! Fuck you, Kyle, and fuck you, Stan! [walks away, then comes back] Fuck you, Tweek! [walks away, then comes back again] Bebe, you're still cool. [walks off, seething]

TV Show: South Park


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