South Park Quote

Homeless Advisor: They feed on our change. They need it in order to keep them moving.
Bum 14: Is that some spare change?
Homeless Advisor: Somehow they're able to take our change and turn it into nourishment, sustenance.
Bum 14: Spare some of that change, sir?
Homeless Advisor: But now watch. [drops some coins into the bum's cup and walks back to the boys; the bum rattles his cup a bit]
Bum 14: Spare some change?
Homeless Advisor: It has already completely forgotten that I've given it change. It just wants more, change. Look over here. [heads to his left and the boys follow] This one I've kept deprived of change for over three days.
Bum 15: Chaaaaange?
Kyle: What's it doing?
Homeless Advisor: It's dying.
Cartman: Cool.

TV Show: South Park


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