Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (VG) Quotes

Douglas Shetland: [pointing guns at one another] It doesn't have to end like this, Sam.
Sam Fisher: No, but it does have to end...
Douglas Shetland: On that we agree. We've been fighting these dirty little wars our whole lives, and where do we end up? Staring at each other down the barrels of our guns. Nothing has changed, Sam, but I won't change my degrees. We have to tear it down and start over; it's the only way.
Sam Fisher: Your own little Chaos Theory; throw the whole world into war and hope that whatever comes out the other side is better?
Douglas Shetland: It will be better because this war will change things, Sam. Every other war has been about keeping things the same, but the status quo doesn't work anymore. America is sick, Sam... she's dying, Sam; the politicians, the bureaucrats, the whispered backroom deals, it's all life support for a sick old woman who was dead a long time ago.
Sam Fisher: The only backroom deals I've seen lately have been made by you. You're a murderer and a war criminal.
Douglas Shetland: Those are the only names the state has for the revolutionaries. You only become a hero after the war is over. You know the truth; the world is built from the bottom-up, not the other way around. Honor, courage, fidelity, we don't inherit these things from the world, Sam; we build the world from them. You believe in these things more than any government, and I know because of it you wouldn't shoot and old friend
Sam Fisher: [staring over Shetland's corpse] You're right, Doug; I wouldn't shoot an old friend.

Movie: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (VG)
Irving Lambert: Fisher! Fisher! Come in!
Sam Fisher: Yeah. I'm... ok. They wanted to interrogate me.
Irving Lambert: Interrogate you? They couldn't have had time. You were only gone for a few minutes!
Sam Fisher: Good.

Movie: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (VG)
Sam Fisher: Morgenholt and Zherkezhi are geeks, not terrorists.

Movie: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (VG)
Sam Fisher: [interrogating the base commander] It's a game of position, colonel and you've already lost. Do you need to condemn 50,000 men, as well?
North Korean Colonel: They're not my men, they're your men, American.
Sam Fisher: They're not my men, Colonel, they're just men, sons, husbands and fathers like you and me. Do they need to die for our mistakes?

Movie: Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (VG)