SpongeBob SquarePants Quote

Flying Dutchman: What a night. Crew, howl with me so that we might set the Seven Seas ablazed with fear!
Flying Dutchman: Awoooooooooo!
SpongeBob: [laughing] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Patrick: Leedleedleedleedlee
Flying Dutchman: Awoooooooooo!
SpongeBob: [laughing] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Patrick: Leedleedleedleedlee
Flying Dutchman: Aa.....
Patrick: Leeoooloodloooooleeaaaleeee
Flying Dutchman: Aa.....
Patrick: Looooleeeeaaabbbaaaaddaaaaaaaaaaa
Pause. Spongebob and Flying Dutchman look at Patrick
Flying Dutchman: Eh.Tha'll do.

TV Show: SpongeBob SquarePants


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