Stand by Me Quote

Milo : Chopper! Sic'em, boy!
The Writer : Now he said, "Sic'em, boy!" But what I heard was, "Chopper! Sic balls!"
Gordie : [ Chopper turns out to be a small golden retriever ] *That's* Chopper?
Teddy : Ha ha ha! Come on, Choppy! Bite my ass, Choppy! Bite my ass! Bite shit. Come on, Choppy! Sic balls, Choppy!
Milo : Stop teasing that dog, you hear me! Stop teasing him! Sonny, I'm gonna beat your ass, teasing my dog like that!
Teddy : Yeah? I'd like to see you climb over this fence and get me, fat ass!
Milo : Don't you call me that, you little tin weasel peckerwood looney's son.
Teddy : What did you call me?
Milo : I know who you are. You're Teddy Duchamp. Your dad's a looney. A looney up in the nuthouse in Togus. He took your ear and he put it to a stove and burnt it off.
Teddy : My father stormed the beach at Normandy.
Milo : He's crazier than a shithouse rat. No wonder you're acting the way you are with a looney for a father.
Teddy : You call my dad a looney again, I'll kill you.
Milo : Looney, looney, looney!
Teddy : I'm gonna rip your head off and shit down your neck!

Movie: Stand by Me


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