Stand by Me Quote

[ as Lardass walks across the stage to his seat the Benevolent Order of Antelopes mock him in rhythm with his steps ]
Crowd : Boom-baba-boom-baba... [ They fall silent as Lardass glares at them, but then they resume their mockery as soon as he starts moving again ]
Crowd : Boom-baba-boom-baba-boom.
Mayor Grundy : And now, the one you've all been waiting for, the four-time champion, our own, Bill Travis! [ Cheers and applause; Mayor aside to Travis ]
Mayor Grundy : Listen, I got ten ridin' on you myself, Billy-boy. [ Now he speaks to the crowd ]
Mayor Grundy : Alright, are you ready? Hands behind your backs, gentlemen! Drum roll!
Donelley Twin, Donelley Twin : Hey, Lardass! Chow down, Wide Load!
Mayor Grundy : Heh-heh-heh... GO! [ the contestants bury their faces and begin eating. Within a few seconds, Lardass has finished his first pie ]
Lardass Hogan : Done! [ Lardass finishes his second pie ]
Lardass Hogan : Done! [ Bill Travis finishes his first pie ]
Bill Travis : Done!
Lardass Hogan : [ Lardass finishes his third pie ] Done!
Mayor Grundy : [ to Lardass ] You better pace yourself if you wanna hold out, boy. [ Lardass continues and the crowd starts to cheer him on ]
Crowd : Lardass! Lardass!
Gordie : What the audience didn't know was that Lardass wasn't really interested in winning. What he wanted was revenge, and right before he was introduced he'd gotten ready for it. [ Cut to flashback scene showing Lardass drinking a quart bottle of Castor Oil and eating a raw egg just before the start of the contest; cut back to the contest in progress ]
Gordie : Diving into his fifth pie, Lardass began to imagine that he wasn't eating pies.

Movie: Stand by Me


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