Stand by Me Quote

The Writer : [ voiceover ] Around this time, Charlie and Billy were playing "Mailbox Baseball" with Ace and Eyeball. [ cuts to Ace hitting mailboxes with a bat in a moving car ]
Ace : [ Ace hits a wooden mailbox ] Ahh shit! I'm out! Goddammit!
Eyeball : You shouldn't have gone for a wooden one. Huh-huh!
Ace : [ Stares at Eyeball intensely ] Why don't you tell me something I don't know, asshole? [ Hands bat to Billy ]
Ace : Billy, you're up.
Billy Tessio : Nah, you guys win. I don't wanna play no more.
Eyeball : Hey, you can't quit! We've only played three innings! That would be a non-official game!
Charlie Hogan : Hey, Ace. Uh, we... [ Billy nudges him in the arm ]
Ace : What's with you homos? You guys've been acting psycho all day. [ Long pause ]
Ace : What is it?
Billy Tessio : It's nothin'! It's nothin'! It's nothin', right? [ Looks over at Charlie who concurs ]
Ace : Then, if you gentlemen don't mind, I'd like to finish this game before I start collecting my goddamn Social Security, okay? You're up Billy. Move it!
Billy Tessio : All right! Gimmie this fuckin' thing. [ grabs bat and assumes batter's position ]
Ace : Let's play ball!
Eyeball : Yeah!

Movie: Stand by Me


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