Stand by Me Quotes

Vern : What am I supposed to do, think of everything? I brought the comb!
Teddy : Oh, great! You brought the comb! What did you bring a comb for? You don't even have any hair!

Movie: Stand by Me
[ repeated line ]
Chris : Skin it.

Movie: Stand by Me
Teddy : I'm sorry if I'm spoiling everybody's good time.
Chris : It's okay, man.
Gordie : I'm not sure it should be a good time.
Chris : You saying you wanna go back?
Gordie : No. We're going to see a dead kid... maybe it shouldn't be a party.

Movie: Stand by Me
Chris : You ready for school?
Gordie : No.
Chris : Junior High. You know what that means. Next year we'll all be split up.
Gordie : What are you talking about? Why would that happen?
Chris : 'Cause it's not gonna be like grammar school, that's why. You'll be taking your college courses, and me, Teddy, and Vern will all be in the shop courses with the rest of the retards, making ash trays and bird houses. You're gonna meet a lot of new guys. Smart guys.
Gordie : A lot of pussies is what you mean.
Chris : No, man. Don't say that. Don't even think that.

Movie: Stand by Me
Vern : There's one thing I didn't understand. Did Lardass have to pay to get in the contest? [ Chris and Teddy sighs ]
Gordie : No, Vern. They just let him in.

Movie: Stand by Me
[ after the boys have fallen into a lake ]
Vern : I told you we should of stuck to the tracks.
Teddy : Is it me, or are you the world's biggest pussy?
Vern : I suppose this is fun for you?
Teddy : No... but this is. [ Teddy dunks Vern into the lake ]

Movie: Stand by Me
Gordie : Why did he have to die, Chris? Why did Denny have to die?
Chris : I don't know.
Gordie : It should've been me.
Chris : Don't say that.
Gordie : It should've been me.
Chris : Don't say that, man!
Gordie : I'm no good. My dad said it. I'm no good.
Chris : He doesn't know you.
Gordie : He hates me.
Chris : He doesn't hate you.
Gordie : He hates me!
Chris : No! He just doesn't know you.

Movie: Stand by Me
Charlie Hogan : Besides, me and Billy found him first!
Teddy : Yeah, Vern told us how you found him! [ in a high, mocking voice ]
Teddy : Oh Billy, I wish we'd never boosted that car! Oh Billy, I think I just turned my Fruit-of-the-Looms into a fudge factory!

Movie: Stand by Me
Gordie : [ after Gordie and Chris set off the gun ] That tupper babe saw me!
Chris : Aw, shit, Gordie! She thought it was firecrackers.
Gordie : I don't care! That was a mean trick, Chris!
Chris : Hey, Gordie! I didn't know it was loaded!
Gordie : You swear?
Chris : Yeah, I swear.
Gordie : On your mother's name?
Chris : Yeah.
Gordie : Even if she goes to hell 'cause you lied?
Chris : Yeah, I swear!
Gordie : Pinky swear?

Movie: Stand by Me
Ace : You got two choices. You leave quietly, we take the body. Or, you can stay, we beat the shit out of you, we take the body.

Movie: Stand by Me
[ as Lardass walks across the stage to his seat the Benevolent Order of Antelopes mock him in rhythm with his steps ]
Crowd : Boom-baba-boom-baba... [ They fall silent as Lardass glares at them, but then they resume their mockery as soon as he starts moving again ]
Crowd : Boom-baba-boom-baba-boom.
Mayor Grundy : And now, the one you've all been waiting for, the four-time champion, our own, Bill Travis! [ Cheers and applause; Mayor aside to Travis ]
Mayor Grundy : Listen, I got ten ridin' on you myself, Billy-boy. [ Now he speaks to the crowd ]
Mayor Grundy : Alright, are you ready? Hands behind your backs, gentlemen! Drum roll!
Donelley Twin, Donelley Twin : Hey, Lardass! Chow down, Wide Load!
Mayor Grundy : Heh-heh-heh... GO! [ the contestants bury their faces and begin eating. Within a few seconds, Lardass has finished his first pie ]
Lardass Hogan : Done! [ Lardass finishes his second pie ]
Lardass Hogan : Done! [ Bill Travis finishes his first pie ]
Bill Travis : Done!
Lardass Hogan : [ Lardass finishes his third pie ] Done!
Mayor Grundy : [ to Lardass ] You better pace yourself if you wanna hold out, boy. [ Lardass continues and the crowd starts to cheer him on ]
Crowd : Lardass! Lardass!
Gordie : What the audience didn't know was that Lardass wasn't really interested in winning. What he wanted was revenge, and right before he was introduced he'd gotten ready for it. [ Cut to flashback scene showing Lardass drinking a quart bottle of Castor Oil and eating a raw egg just before the start of the contest; cut back to the contest in progress ]
Gordie : Diving into his fifth pie, Lardass began to imagine that he wasn't eating pies.

Movie: Stand by Me
Charlie Hogan : [ Charlie and Billy are discussing the discovery of Ray Brower's body ] I still think we should call the cops.
Billy Tessio : You don't go squawkin' to the cops when ya boosted a car, you idiot. They're gonna wanna know how we got all the way out on the Back Harlow Road. Now, they know we ain't got no car.
Charlie Hogan : We could make a 'nonymous call.
Billy Tessio : They trace those calls, stupid. I seen it on "Highway Patrol" and on "Dragnet."

Movie: Stand by Me
Eyeball : Hey girls, where ya goin'?
Gordie : [ Ace passes Gordie on the sidewalk and snatches his baseball cap off his head ] Hey, my brother gave me that!
Ace : [ holds the hat up high so Gordie can't reach it ] Now, you're giving it to me.
Gordie : Hey! C'mon, man! That's mine!
Chris : [ glaring at Ace ] You're a real asshole, you know that?
Ace : [ flicks his cigarette to that ground ] Ooo. You're brother's not very polite, Eyeball.
Eyeball : Now, Christopher. I know you didn't mean to insult my friend.
Ace : I know he didn't mean to insult me. That's why I'm going to give him the chance of taking it back.
Ace : [ thrusts Chris on his stomach against the sidewalk and begins holding the lit cigarette close to his eye ] Take it back, kid.
Chris : You bastard! Let go, man! Shit!
Gordie : Stop it, man! You're hurting him!
Chris : Filthy bastard...! Okay, I take it back! I take it back!
Ace : Now, I feel a whole let better about this. How 'bout you? [ grins at Chris and pats him on the cheek ]
Ace : Good.
Eyeball : See ya later, girls.

Movie: Stand by Me
Vern : Ha-ha! You flinched! Two for flinching! Two for flinching! [ Teddy punches him twice in the arm ]
Vern : ...B-but... you flinched!
Teddy : I know. Two for flinching.

Movie: Stand by Me
The Writer : [ voiceover ] Around this time, Charlie and Billy were playing "Mailbox Baseball" with Ace and Eyeball. [ cuts to Ace hitting mailboxes with a bat in a moving car ]
Ace : [ Ace hits a wooden mailbox ] Ahh shit! I'm out! Goddammit!
Eyeball : You shouldn't have gone for a wooden one. Huh-huh!
Ace : [ Stares at Eyeball intensely ] Why don't you tell me something I don't know, asshole? [ Hands bat to Billy ]
Ace : Billy, you're up.
Billy Tessio : Nah, you guys win. I don't wanna play no more.
Eyeball : Hey, you can't quit! We've only played three innings! That would be a non-official game!
Charlie Hogan : Hey, Ace. Uh, we... [ Billy nudges him in the arm ]
Ace : What's with you homos? You guys've been acting psycho all day. [ Long pause ]
Ace : What is it?
Billy Tessio : It's nothin'! It's nothin'! It's nothin', right? [ Looks over at Charlie who concurs ]
Ace : Then, if you gentlemen don't mind, I'd like to finish this game before I start collecting my goddamn Social Security, okay? You're up Billy. Move it!
Billy Tessio : All right! Gimmie this fuckin' thing. [ grabs bat and assumes batter's position ]
Ace : Let's play ball!
Eyeball : Yeah!

Movie: Stand by Me
Gordie : Maybe you could come into the college courses with me.
Chris : Yeah right, that'll be the day.
Gordie : Why not? You're smart enough.
Chris : They won't let me.
Gordie : What do you mean?
Chris : It's what everyone thinks of my family in this town. It's what they think of me. I'm just one of those low-life Chambers kids.
Gordie : That's not true.
Chris : Oh wait, it is. No one even asked me if I took the milk money that time. I just got a three day vacation.
Gordie : Did you take it?
Chris : Yeah, I took it! I mean, you knew I took it. Teddy knew I took it. Everyone knew I took it. Even Vern knew it, I think. But maybe I was sorry and I tried to give it back.
Gordie : You tried to give it back?
Chris : Maybe. Just maybe. And maybe I took it to Old Lady Simmons and told her, and the money was all there. But I still got a three day vacation because it never showed up. And maybe the next week, Old Lady Simmons had this new suit on when she came to school.
Gordie : Yeah, yeah! It was brown and it had dots on it.
Chris : Yeah. So let's just say that I stole the milk money, but Old Lady Simmons stole it back from me. Just say that I told this story. Me, Chris Chambers. Kid brother to Eyeball Chambers. Do you think that anyone would've believed it?
Gordie : No.
Chris : And do you think that that bitch would have dared try something like that if it had been one of those douchebags from up on the view, if they had taken the money?
Gordie : No way!
Chris : Hell no! But with me?... I'm sure she had her eye on that skirt for a long time. Anyway, she saw her chance, and she took it. I was the stupid one for

Movie: Stand by Me
Gordie : Well, all the kids, instead of calling him Davie, they call him Lardass. Lardass Hogan. Even his little brother and sister calls him Lardass. At school, they put a sticker on his back that says "Wide-Load". And they rank him out and beat him up whenever they get a chance. But one day, he gets an idea; a greatest revenge idea, a kid ever had.

Movie: Stand by Me
The Writer : The freight woke up the other guys and it was on the tip of my tongue to tell them about the deer. But I didn't. That was the one thing I kept to myself. I've never spoken or written about it until just now.

Movie: Stand by Me