Star Wars Quote

Tion Medon: Greetings, young Jedi. What brings you to our remote sanctuary?

Obi-Wan: Unfortunately, the war.

Tion Medon: There is no war here unless you've brought it with you.

Obi-Wan: With your kind permission, I should like some fuel and to use your city as a base as I search nearby systems for General Grievous.

Tion Medon: [Tion Medon signals a ground crew to refuel Obi Wan's ship and moves closer] He is here. We are being held hostage. They are watching us.

Obi-Wan: I understand.

Tion Medon: The tenth level... thousands of Battle Droids...

Obi-Wan: Tell your people to take shelter. If you have warriors, now is the time.

Movie: Star Wars


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