Star Wars Quote

Rahn: [the Imperial Remnants have just destroyed an Alliance Battle squadron. A fregate ship same to the Tantive IV has just been destroyed, a Super Star Destroyer makes an appearance. Inside the ship, The Dark Master Jerec gripped a young rebel officer. Rahn is brought before his rival] Why hesitate? Strike me down.

Jerec: [standing with his Dark Jedi adepts: Sariss, Boc, Yun, Pic&Gorc, Maw and two royal guards. Jerec comes closer to the rebel veteran they captured] In time Rahn. First I need something from you.

Jerec: [Jerec uses a mind power to search into Rahn's spirit] MORGARN KATARN. This dead man holds the Valley's location. I have no further use for you, old man.

Rahn: AHHH!
[He uses the force to push Yun and takes his yellow lightsaber, Ranh gets up and fights Pic&Gorc and Maw]

Boc: Master!
[the Jedi lord attacks Boc and then cuts Maw in two pieces]

Sariss: Yah!
[Sariss attacks Rahn as Jerec strikes on the Jedi's weapon]

Jerec: [Jerec uses forces destruction to shock Rahn and then moves to eliminate his enemy without pity] Hahhhahahahahahahahahah!

Movie: Star Wars


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