Star Wars Quotes

Admiral Yularen: [on viewscreen] Are all Jedi so reckless?

Aayla Secura: Just the good ones.

Movie: Star Wars
Aayla Secura: I've certainly perfected the art of demolishing ships and almost getting my master killed.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: It seems to me that the people we're looking for live near giant trees.

Aayla Secura: Very perceptive, Padawan.

Movie: Star Wars
"Padmé Amidala: I'm sorry.

Anakin Skywalker: What for? We got away and we have the hologram. The Jedi will use that information to destroy Count Dooku's foundry. Your mission was a success.
Padmé Amidala: But I made you doubt me...

Anakin Skywalker: Never.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: I get so confused sometimes. It's forbidden for Jedi to form attachment, yet we're supposed to be compassionate.

Aayla Secura: It is nothing to be ashamed of, Ahsoka. I went through the same process when I was your age with my own Master.

Ahsoka Tano: Really? You?

Ahsoka Tano: He was like a father to me. I realized that for the greater good, I had to let him go. Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one.

Aayla Secura: Maybe. But that doesn't mean that I can't try to save his life.

Movie: Star Wars
Commander Bly: Cameron's dead. So are Lucky & Flash.

Movie: Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano: [arriving at the Lurmen village] Pod central. We made it.

Movie: Star Wars
Tee Watt Kaa: You must leave. You will only destroy what small amount of peace is left in the galaxy. You will only bring the destruction of us.

Movie: Star Wars
Aayla Secura: Be mindful of your surroundings, Padawan. Those creatures are still out there.

Ahsoka Tano: Got it. We won't be long.

Movie: Star Wars
Narrator: Dooku held for ransom! After escaping capture by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, the villainous Count Dooku fell into the clutches of pirates led by the brigand Hondo Ohnaka. Eager to get custody of Dooku, the Republic agreed to pay Hondo a hefty sum in exchange for the Sith Lord. But Anakin and Obi-Wan had not counted on the treacherous cunning of Ohnaka and his band...

Movie: Star Wars
Hondo Ohnaka: As my sweet mother always said, 'son, if one hostage is good, two are better, and three, well, that's just good business!' Heh heh.

Movie: Star Wars
Hondo Ohnaka: Jedi! After everything, you're just going to walk away?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: We have no quarrel with you and we seek no revenge.

Hondo Ohnaka: Indeed. Very honorable, Master Jedi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Oh, Captain, you will find that Count Dooku does not share our sense of honor... and he knows where you live.

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: [arriving on Orto Plutonia in the middle of a snow storm] And this is the planet's tropical zone.

Anakin Skywalker: It's not Tatooine, that's for sure.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: [having just witnessed a holo recording of a creature attacking a B1 droid] What was that?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Whatever it was, it's a good warrior.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: Too bad we didn't bring Threepio along. How do you plan on communicating with these things?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Patience. Maybe they're smarter than we are.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: [faced with a tribe of Talz and no translator] Well, say something.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Just shut up.

Movie: Star Wars
Riyo Chuchi: Would you like me to represent Pantora in this matter?

Chairman Chi Cho: Not on your life, Senator. There will be no diplomacy this time.

Movie: Star Wars
Chairman Chi Cho: [hit in the back by a spear] Savages!

Movie: Star Wars
Riyo Chuchi: Chairman, can you hear me?

Chairman Chi Cho: Senator... Good...

Chairman Chi Cho: You must... avenge me. As my final command as Chairman of Pantora I order you to destroy the Talz.

Riyo Chuchi: I'm afraid I cannot do that, Chairman. The Pantoran assembly has called you out of order. I am to negotiate peace.

Chairman Chi Cho: No... Impossible ! Peace, never! I died for our people...
[breathes his last breath]

Movie: Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Well done, senator.

Anakin Skywalker: Yes. Most impressive.

Riyo Chuchi: Thank you, Master Jedi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Now that you have created peace between your people and the Talz, remember one crucial thing...

Riyo Chuchi: Yes, Master Kenobi?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Make it last, senator. Make it last.

Movie: Star Wars
Narrator: Battle droids on Naboo! As the Separatist rebellion rages through the galaxy, even peaceful planets are threatened. Following the discovery of Separatist droids wandering the grassy wasteland, Naboo is once again on high alert. Fearing their home is facing another invasion, Senator Amidala and Representative Binks race to Naboo to assess the situation. Meanwhile, near the Gungan swamplands, an even graver threat is about to be discovered...

Movie: Star Wars
C-3PO: I'm having a bad feeling about this. With your permission, Senator Padmé, I would like to shut down before I get sensory overload.
Padmé Amidala: Permission denied.

Movie: Star Wars
Captain Typho: Unless you want to become a box of spare parts, you'll tell us where that lab is!

Movie: Star Wars
"Padmé Amidala: See if you and Threepio can download any of the other battle droid's memory. I'm going to find that lab.

Captain Typho: Are you sure that's wize?
Padmé Amidala: Come on, Jar Jar.

Movie: Star Wars
Dr. Nuvo Vindi: What's a life form like you doing in a swamp like this?
Padmé Amidala: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Movie: Star Wars
Captain Typho: General Kenobi, Anakin. We're so glad you're...

Anakin Skywalker: [interrupting] Where's Senator Amidala?

Captain Typho: She went to look for the lab.

Anakin Skywalker: And you let her go?

C-3PO: Senator Padmé can be very hard to stop once she's made up her mind.

Anakin Skywalker: [calms down slightly] Good point. I know what you mean.

Movie: Star Wars
Captain Typho: We did a robo-lobotamy on the battle droids and came up with this piece of memory.
[a hologram appears out of the severed battle droid head]

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Who is that?

Captain Typho: Dr. Nuvo Vindi. The senior medic for the Perma families. He disappeared ten years ago.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: Where are they?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Patience. They'll be here in a moment. You seem a bit on edge.

Anakin Skywalker: There's a good chance we're about to destroy all life on this planet, including the Senator's, so, yes. I'm on edge. Why aren't you?

Obi-Wan Kenobi: I'm better at hiding it.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: Are you okay?
Padmé Amidala: Ani, how about the next time you rescue me before you kill all the Battle droids.

Anakin Skywalker: A little thank you would go a long way.

Movie: Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker: [using wrist comlink] Ahsoka, are you there?

Ahsoka Tano: I'm here Master, the bomb has been deactivated. Did you find Vindi?

Anakin Skywalker: Deactivated as well. Have you seen Padmé?

Ahsoka Tano: She's right next to me. I'm okay too. Thanks for asking.

Movie: Star Wars