Summer Magic Quote

Osh Popham: Tom Hamilton! Why I didn't know you for a minute! I didn't expect you'd be comin' back. Give me quite a shock.
Tom Hamilton: I just drove by the yellow house. There are some people out there.
Osh Popham: Yes, they're lovely folks named the Careys. They've been living there.
Tom Hamilton: How long they been living there?
Osh Popham: Oh, uh, not long. Wonderful folks, the Careys. You'll love them. They put in a new chain pump for that old wooden one.
Tom Hamilton: Who gave them permission to live there?
Osh Popham: Well, uh, you did.
Tom Hamilton: I did? Oh no, I never even heard of them! Why didn't you write?
Osh Popham: Well, I did. I wrote you every week and kept you abreast of everything that was happening.
Tom Hamilton: Well, I didn't get any letters.
Osh Popham: Well, you see, I never mailed them. I didn't know how you'd take the situation. You see, here were these folks who needed a house, and they fell plum in love with yours, and I let 'em have it. Wrote you all about it. Put 'em up here, where Mariah wasn't likely to be lookin'. Here are the letters, the ones I wrote and the ones Nancy Carey wrote. Hers are on top. I wrote you because Mariah was a-naggin' me. Nancy Carey wrote hers out of a grateful young heart. I hope you'll read hers before you make up your mind what to do.

Movie: Summer Magic


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