Superman - The Animated Series Quotes

Professor Hamilton: What do you have against him, Hardcastle?
General Hardcastle: He's an alien. He has no allegiance, no jurisdiction. I don't trust what I can't control, Hamiliton, and I don't like what I can't trust.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(After an explosion)
Jimmy Olsen: Sonic boom? Earthquake?
Lois Lane: Maybe Perry had chili for lunch again.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Jax-Ur: I must say it seems a shame to kill the one other survivor of Krypton. I'd offer you a place in our new order, but something tells me you'd turn it down.
Superman: Guess you're not as dumb as you look.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lana Lang: You're saying you can see through walls? So, how many times have you peeked into the girls' locker room?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Perry White: Good timing, Lois. I want you to be the first to know that I'm hiring a new guy on the city desk.
Lois: Is he cute?
Perry White: Um... you tell me.
Lois: [spins around and sees Clark] Oh, hi.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Perry White: This is the guy, Lois, Clark Kent from Smallville.
Lois: Smallville? Never heard of it.
Clark: Have you ever been to Kansas?
Lois: God, no!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: [Trying to save a plane, the tail he's holding rips off] Nice one, Clark.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark Kent: Now that the terrorists have your prototype, the Pentagon is undoubtedly gonna want you to build a bigger and better version for them. When all is said and done, this could net you a multimillion dollar windfall.
Lex Luthor: Lois, it almost sounds as if your friend here is suggesting I should be glad that my suit was stolen. You're very amusing, Mr.... Kent, is it? Yes, I'll remember that.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: Nice work, Smallville. You're only the second person I've ever seen get under Lex's skin.
Clark: Who's the first?
Lois: Me. When I dumped him.
Clark: Whoa.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: Listen, Bibbo. [Takes out some change] Take this and call Clark Kent at the Planet, let him know where I am, and tell him to call Police Commissioner Henderson if he doesn't hear from me in twenty minutes. Got that? Twenty minutes.
Bibbo: Um...
Lois: Thanks, Bibbo, I owe you one. [Leaves]
Bibbo: Yeah, yeah, sure. [To himself] Call Kirk Kent, know about the boat, and said somethin' about the police... [Sees a soda machine] Hey! Soda. [Looks at change; shrugs] She'll be okay.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: Nice 'S'.
Clark: Excuse me?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark Kent: Does this mean I'm going to have to give up my life?
Jonathan: It doesn't matter where you were, or what you can do, you'll always be Clark Kent. Superman just helps out now and then.
Martha: Still, it would be bad if people knew a little more about Superman. I don't want anyone thinking you're like that nut in Gotham City.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: You sound too good to be true. What's your secret?
Superman: What do you mean?
Lois: Well, you don't go around in blue tights and a cape all the time, do you? What do you do in your off hours?
Superman: I think that's a question for another time.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Toyman: A childhood is a terrible thing to lose, Miss Lane, but I'm getting mine back... with a vengeance.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(Clark stands in front of some rocks he thinks to be Kryptonite)
Clark: Nothing's happening.
Old lady: You were expecting them to dance for you?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Parasite: (to Superman) Good evening... dinner.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Parasite: Good to see you here, Superman - or should I say "Clark"? That's right, Kent. I got your powers, I got your thoughts, and I got your secret.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Ralph: Mr. Corben, I hope you don't mind me asking, but after all these months I just gotta know. How do you rate all this?
John Corben: Ralph, the trick is to never underestimate the value of a good friend, and always keep your mouth shut.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: (about Corben's new invulnerability) How did you do it, Corben? A drug? Some kind of operation?
Corben: Elective surgery. Jealous?
Superman: Hardly, since you'll soon be back in prison.
(He tries to restrain Corben, but is met with suprisingly effective resisitance)
Corben: I'm as strong as you are now!
Superman: Almost...
Corben: No, stronger!
(A panel on Corben's chest opens, revealing a kryptonite heart and weakening Superman)
Corben: What's the matter, guy? You're looking a little green at the gills.
(He chuckles, and then knocks Superman backward with a single punch)
Corben: I think you are jealous of me. Because now I'm the real Man of Steel!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Corben: You humiliated me, Superman. Took me in by the scruff of the neck like I was a kid. Now it's payback time.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(Now insane from lack of feeling, Corben observes the synthetic flesh covering his metallic body)
Corben: It's all fake... (starts tearing it away) A FRAUD!There's the reality! The metal behind the man! It's all I am now! It's who I am: Metallo.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Brainiac: I apologize for any discomfort, but it was important that I accurately gauge your powers.
Superman: Why? Morbid curiosity?
Brainiac: Curiosity, yes. Morbid, hardly. You see, we have more in common than you could possibly know, Kal-El.
Superman: How do you know my name? Have you been to Krypton?
Brainiac: I am Krypton.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: I'm confused, Kent. See, I've lived in Metropolis most of my life and I can't figure out how some yokel from Smallville is suddenly getting every hot story in town.
Clark Kent: Well, Lois, the truth is, I'm actually Superman in disguise and I only pretend to be a journalist in order to hear about disasters as they happen, and then squeeze you out of the byline.
Lois: You're a sick man, Kent.
Clark: You asked.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(Lobo waits for Superman, firing a high-powered weapon around the room to attract his attention)
Lobo: (yawns) This is gettin' lame. I thought he'd be here by now. Whoa, mosquito! (Fires weapon)

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lobo: Finally! Been tryin' to get in touch with you all day.
Superman: Who are you?!
Lobo: Oh, I'm sorry. My card. (punches Superman in the face)

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lobo: The name's Lobo. That's L as in "Lacerate", O as in "Obliterate", B as in "disem-Bowel" and O as in, uh... Well, I guess I can use "Obliterate" twice, huh? What do you think?
Superman: I think you're a certifiable madman.
Lobo: Thanks.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lobo: You actually care about them geeks!
Superman: They're human beings.
Lobo: Yeah, well, they're gonna have to make do without their big blue babysitter from now on. You see, someone's paying me a heap of cash for your carcass, and the Main Man always delivers.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lobo: (about to attack Superman) Now, the more you move, the worse it'll hurt. So feel free to go crazy!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
The Preserver: There is one more creature I would like to add to my collection: The last Czarnian.
Lobo: Ha! That's rich! I'm the last Czarnian! [to Superman] I fragged the whole planet for my high school science project. Gave myself an "A".

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lobo: (after Superman frees him) Hey, Blue, thanks.
(Lobo punches Superman)
Superman: What was that for?!
Lobo: Didn't want you to think I'm going soft on ya.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series