Superman - The Animated Series Quotes

(Superman and Lobo hiding from robots' laser fire)
Superman: We need a decoy to draw their fire.
Lobo: (shoving Superman out in front of the robots) Eee-lected!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: Look at that. Tuh! The only thing holding that dress up is faith.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: It's the paparazzi wolves trying to get a scent of Lex's latest lady friend. Not that I read the gossip columns or anything, but I hear they're quite an item. Maybe I should warn her about him... nah.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lana Lang: Hmm. Red, blue, yellow. Primary, but it works in a superheroish kind of way. Let me guess, Martha sewed it for you.
Superman: What?!
Lana Lang: By the way, Clark, how are the folks?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bruno Mannheim: Where in God's name are we?
Kanto: That depends. Which 'God' are you talking about?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darkseid: Welcome to Apokolips, Mr. Mannheim.
Bruno Mannheim: Who are you?
Darkseid: Your new Lord and Master. You may call me... Darkseid.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Parasite: You want me to go into this guy's mind and try to find out where the bomb is. No skin off my nose. But I want something in return.
Superman: What's that?
Parasite: Something to help the time go faster in this dump... and not a bunch of boring books either. I want cable and the premium channels.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: Flash! Do you really think you stand a chance against the Man of Steel?
The Flash: Man of Steel, Feet of lead!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Livewire: (after being tackled by Superman) At least now we know you hit girls!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bizarro: What am me?
Mercy Graves: Bizarro, that's what you am.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bizarro: [Struggling to support crumbling roof] Me hold... you go. Me no am Superman. You am Superman! Superman - save Lois!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: I can't even say your name forward. How am I supposed to say it backward?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: No, dope! You don't have to say it backwards! You've got to get me to say it!
Superman: Say what?
Mr. Mxyzptlk: KLTPZYXM!!!Gosh, you're thick! Now, for the last time-- (realizes his mistake) Ah, nuts. (disappears)

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Your three months are up. And this time, you're not gonna cheat me out of my fun!
Superman: Oh, it's you again, Mr. Kltpzyxm.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Not Kltpzyxm! Mxyzptlk!! Now the first thing I'm gonna do-- (realizes) Oh, nuts! (disappears)

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
[After Mxyzptlk goes to defeat Superman, piloting a giant robot that took him three months to build]
Gsptlsnz: Five, four, three...
Mr. Mxyzptlk: (reappears)NUTS, NUTS, NUTS!!!(to Gsptlsnz) Not one word.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Metallo: Lois Lane. I'd give you a kiss, if I still had my lips.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: You'll never get away with this, Corben!
Metallo: Miss Lane, please! Such cliches! How ever did you win that Pulitzer?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(A janitor is listening to his Walkman)
Livewire: Psst! Hey, Mr. Clean!... Yow, Rap Master Danny?... HEY, STUPID!
Janitor: (takes his headphones off) Huh?
Livewire: I love a man who knows his limitations...

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Livewire: Uh, uh. You can look, but don't touch.
Parasite: Don't be afraid. I know how to control my power.
Livewire: That's what they all say.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(Lytener is escaping from prison)
Guard: That's close enough, Lytener.
Lytener: Close enough to what? I'm not even here. (He vanishes)

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Luminus: (to Superman) You'll realize what I've done to you soon enough. See you soon (vanishes) even if you don't see me.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Alternate Lex Luthor: (Referring to Lois Lane) The insolence. The outright rudeness. She's definitely the genuine article.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: So, I am Lois Lane, but I'm not the Lois Lane that you knew...
Alternate Superman: Ever since you-- she died I've wondered if there were other dimensions out there. Other versions of me... and you.
Lois Lane: Hold it! I may be a lot like your Lois, but you're nothing like the Superman I know! He's no tyrant.
Alternate Superman: I had to take control, there was no other way. For too long I fooled myself into thinking I was just doing a simple clean-up job. And if I did enough good, people would follow my example. I didn't realize it was a war. And suddenly you were a casualty of that war. And I knew I had to stop it by whatever means possible.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(After Lois was returned back to her world)
Superman: So that was me?
Lois Lane: Yes. And... no. It-it's complicated. I could explain it over dinner.
Superman: Dinner? Are we getting a little personal?
Lois Lane: Better now than never...

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: Titano!!! Remember me? Lolo?
Clark Kent: Lolo?!
Lois Lane: I was eight, okay?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Maggie Sawyer: Criminals, madmen and aliens we can handle, but this?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark Kent: Granted, Lois, Luthor does lots of strange things, but what reason could he possibly have for trying to fool his own bodyguard?
Lois Lane: Maybe he needed some space. Haven't you ever noticed the way she hovers around him all the time?
Clark Kent: But that's her job.
Lois Lane: It's no wonder why you're still single, Kent.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
[Flying in, after Darkseid has just vaporized his son, Kalibak]
Superman: What have you done to him? [Pause; no response] I asked you a question. Who are you? [Smile; no response] Answer me!
Darkseid: [attacks Superman with his Omega Beams, frying him until he's on the ground, writhing]That is who I am.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Terrorist: Let's make an example of this hero. A very tragic example, I'm afraid, Miss...?
Lois Lane: Lane.
Terrorist: Lane? Lois Lane? The one Superman always saves?
Lois Lane: 'Fraid so.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: Um...Superman?
Superman: Yes?
Lois Lane: Um, how can I put this...I was just thinking, it might be nice to see each other when I wasn't--I don't know, falling out a window or something. Not that I'm not grateful for all the times you've helped me, you understand.
Superman: I understand.
Lois Lane: You do?
[explosion in the distance, bank robbers getting away]
Superman: It's the First National Bank.
Lois Lane: You better go. People might-- [Superman takes off] --get hurt. [starts walking dejectedly away] I understand, Lois. Really, you do! Yep, you're a complete moron. Why, thank you, Superman, I think I'm a total loser too...geez.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Joker: [to Luthor] I sense we are kindred spirits, you and I. Oh, there are differences, to be sure... like hair.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series