Superman - The Animated Series Quotes

Joker: Pay me one billion dollars, and I'll kill Superman!
Lex Luthor: (laughs) What makes you think you can kill Superman when you can't even handle a mere mortal in a Halloween costume?
Joker: [grabs him angrily] There's nothing "mere" about that mortal!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark Kent: I hear Wayne's deal with Lexcorp could run into the billions. He's a high roller.
Lois Lane: I hear he's nothing but Gotham trash. Rich, spoiled, and... [Bruce Wayne walks off the plane]Absolutely gorgeous!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lex Luthor: The joint chiefs have shown tremendous interest. It doesn't take much imagination to envision these robots on the battlefield.
Bruce Wayne: Except... I won't allow it.
Lex Luthor: What?
Bruce Wayne: I don't like guns.
Bruce Wayne: Blame it on me, Lex. Tell your pals at the Pentagon... I just don't have the imagination.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bruce Wayne: So, he just appears when there's trouble? No special signal?
Lois Lane: He's not like your Batman, thank goodness.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: I heard you were crazy. I didn't think you were stupid. [uses X-ray vision to see through Batman's cowl] Bruce Wayne?
Batman: You peeked.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: Clark, keep an eye on Bruce, will you? I'll be right back.
Clark Kent: Actually, Lois-
Lois Lane: Don't be intimidated. Regale him with madcap tales of the nightlife in Smallville.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark Kent: Let's just say I'm concerned. Your reputation is... dubious, in and out of costume.
Bruce Wayne: Don't worry, I'm taking Lois quite seriously. [leans down] Besides, it seems to me you had your chance.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
[Superman busts into a Lexcorp lab]
Joker: More powerful than a locomotive...and just about as subtle.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Joker: [to an incapacitated Superman] Feel free to expire at any time!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: Thank you. I couldn't have saved Lois without your help.
Batman: I'm aware of that.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bruce Wayne: I could always...ask him.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: [just saw Batman unmasked] So when were you gonna tell me--the honeymoon?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: How could you've lied to me like that?
Bruce Wayne: Now, I never actually said I wasn't Batman... (she smacks the cut on his back) Ow!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: I'll get some iodine for that scrape. Burning, stinging iodine.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: I see she's taking it well.
Bruce Wayne: It's ironic, you know. She likes Bruce Wayne, and she likes Superman. It's the other two guys she's not crazy about.
Superman: Too bad we can't mix and match.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Joker: Look at all the toys! Santa's been good to you, Lex.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Batman: See anything?
Superman: Luthor's been lining his buildings with lead. It blocks my x-ray vision.
Batman: Well, there's always the direct approach.
[Superman punches in the door, and bows Batman inside]
Batman: You're learning.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Joker: Batman. It's always Batman!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
[The Lexwing has just crashed into the ocean, exploding, with the Joker inside]
Harley Quinn: Puddin'!
Batman: At this point, he probably is.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bruce Wayne: Come to make sure I'm leaving?
Clark Kent: Actually, I thought we worked pretty well together. Not that I want to make it a regular event.
Bruce Wayne: She's all yours, now--if you can handle that. But you'd better be good to her, 'cause I know where you live.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Jimmy Olsen: What do I need a picture of? Luthor kissing a donkey?!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bizarro: Me make Krypton. Then me am home!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: So, what is all this?
Bizarro: It am Dada's house on Krypton.
Lois Lame: Krypton? You remember Krypton?
Bizarro: It Shinny Ball show me. It say me am Kal-El, and it show me baby me.
Superman: Unfortunately "Shinny Ball" was confused at the time.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bizarro: This am nice. Superman, Krypto, Dada, Lois, all here with me. Oh, Krypton pretty. So sad it have to blow up...

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: Looks like he's got them in the palm of his hand.
Superman: They better be careful he doesn't make a fist.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark Kent: (Narrating) Dinner was hard to pass up. I hadn't eaten all day. Not that I needed to.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark: (Narrating) I suppose I could've flown to the governor as Superman and given him the disk, but that could've raised some awkward questions. Maybe there was some ego to it, too. I wanted this to be Clark's victory. Not Superman's.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Jonathan Kent: It's not like he's really dead, Martha. He just can't be Clark anymore.
Clark: But I am Clark. I need to be Clark. I'd go crazy if I had to be Superman all the time!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Metallo: Do you remember how you left me, Superman? Buried under all that rock? I couldn't move, couldn't see, couldn't hear. But I could think. And all I could think about was how I was going to make you pay! So long, hero!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(Steel and Metallo meet face to face)
Metallo: Well, what have we here?
Steel: Call me... Steel.
Metallo: Steel, Metallo. The meeting of the metals. Well then, Mr. Steel, may the best alloy win!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series