Superman - The Animated Series Quotes

Maxima: I am the Lady Maxima, Royal Queen, Head of the Royal House, and leader of all Almerac. You may bow.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: Well, this isn't Almanac.
Maxima: Almerac.
Superman: Whatever. Here on Earth, marriage isn't something you can command. Marriage is a willing partnership where husbands and wives share the decisions and sacrifices.
Lady at Window: What planet is he from?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Maxima: I have the power to do as I please!
Superman: And the responsibility to do what is right! As leader, you serve the people. They don't serve you.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Maxima: This time D'cine, it's no game. This time, I kill you.
Superman: Maxima-
Maxima: I... don't kill him? [Superman shakes his head] I... lock him up? [Brightens] For a really long time!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lobo: I'm here to get that fraggin', scum-sucking, rat-scratching D'cine, and nobody better stop me!
Maxima: Yow!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darkseid: I did not return you to earth so you could indulge in petty theft.
Bruno Manheim: Petty?! We cleared over twenty million!
Darkseid: I play for higher stakes.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bruno: You promised me you would make me a king!
Darkseid: And so you are – a king of fools!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darkseid: If you won't be my knight, you will be my pawn.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: [At Dan Turpin's funeral] Goodbye, old friend. In the end, the world didn't need a Superman... only a great one.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark: (Stopping Kara from flying) That's enough of that, Kara.
Kara: Hey, Clark. It was such a nice day, I thought I'd just, you know - vroom!
Clark: What did we talk about? No 'vroom' during the daytime.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Kara: All right, I've seen enough. Don't you realize you are being duped? You think you're getting power but she's just turning you into her personal goon squad!
Jimmy Olsen: What are you doing?
Kara: What are you think? I'm shutting down this psycho-witch!
Granny Goodness: Ah!! Such language! Children, defend your Granny's honor. KILL HER!!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: Kara, I thought I told you to stay out of trouble.
Supergirl: Who, me? I'm not in trouble. And by the way, it's Supergirl. See? [Points at 'S'] Super. [Points at face, bats eyelashes] Girl.
Superman: [Pause] Right.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Supergirl: (About Darkseid) Wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley...

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darkseid: I never settle. What I cannot have, I destroy.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Partygoer: (Blocked by a bouncer) But... I just gave you a hundred dollars.
Bouncer: Thank you. Now get behind the rope.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Fence: Whatever it is, I'm gonna have to pass.
Volcana: Really? (Blows whistle) The whistle was touched by the President's lips.
Fence: What wasn't?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Mad Hatter: Curioser and curioser!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: You have to trust me, Volcana.
Volcana: Do you know how many times I've heard that? (Throwing fireballs) From my parents, before they shuffled me off to the institute? From the institute, just before they turned me over to the feds, and from the Government, just before they took away my life!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Government Goon: (Charging up a laser) It's a G-40 blue laser, alien. One shot can penetrate five feet of tempered steel in point-three seconds. I don't think even- (Superman quickly crushes the laser)

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Volcana: Your mom raised you well.
Superman: I got lucky.
Volcana: Yeah. You did. [pauses] I hope you'll think of me... especially on those cold, Metropolis nights.
Superman: Don't you ever cool down?
Volcana: No.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: I didn't think you were foolish enough to make trouble in my town.
Roxy Rocket: Well, with Batman missing, the other crooks in Gotham are picking the city clean. I thought I'd try my luck here.
Superman: Back up. What do you mean, Batman missing?
Roxy Rocket: I thought you'd know. Don't all you spandex boys have club meetings or something?
Superman: We're not exactly friends.
Roxy Rocket: Aww. I'll be your friend.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: Where's your boss?
Robin: Around.
Superman: Okay, let's try this another way: where's Bruce?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Commissioner Gordon: This was taken by airport security two hours ago. I thought you'd be interested. [hands over a photo]
Superman-as-Batman: [takes it, stares at it nonplussed]
Commissioner Gordon: [points] Right here. Look familiar?
Robin: [wanders off a ways, whispers] Bane.
Superman-as-Batman: Ah, yes. Bane.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Robin: That was close.
Superman-as-Batman: [searching the utility belt for a grapple] You're telling me. The sooner we find your boss, the better.
Robin: Right side.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Montoya: (about Batman, with Superman in the costume) Does he look bigger to you?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Robin: So how'd you do Batman's voice?
Superman: [As Batman] Precise muscle control. [As Robin] I also have a pretty good ear.
Robin: [Pauses, creeped out]Don't do that again.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman-as-Batman: All this sneaking around isn't exactly my style.
Robin: What do you mean? It's half the fun!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Robin: See what I mean about him acting strange? He's smiling!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
The Penguin: Even if I did know where to find the Mad Hatter, I'm no stool pigeon. Why should I tell you?
Superman-as-Batman: A man's life is in danger. Isn't that enough?
The Penguin: You're breaking my heart.
Robin: [Whispers] Kick over the desk. [Superman looks uncertain, hesitating] Just do it!
Superman-as-Batman: [Kicks the desk over and into the wall] I won't ask twice.
The Penguin: All right, no need to get your feathers ruffled. It happens our capped compadre is attending a meeting of notable ne'er-do-wells. They're hatching a plot to capitalize on your... purported disappearance.
Superman-as-Batman: [Lifts him of the ground by his collar] Where?
Robin: Now he's gettin' it.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bane: By combining our talents, we will rule Gotham City. Anyone we wish to imprison, you, Riddler, will entrap. Any from whom we require allegiance, you, Hatter, will control. And any that stand in our way, I will break.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series