Superman - The Animated Series Quotes

[Superman as Batman just broke a massive statue, destroyed a device confining him, and went toe-to-toe with Bane, beating him handily]
Mad Hatter: It's not possible!
Robin: He's been workin' out.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Robin: He's really being controlled by aliens? Eugh.
Superman: I'm deeply hurt.
Robin: Sorry.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Robin: [seeing Brianiac's spaceship] That looks friendly.
Superman: Actually, it looks....Kryptonian.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Brainiac: [to Batman (Superman in disguise)] You're every bit the detective that your followers on the Internet believe.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
[Upon discovering that Superman was disguised as Batman]
Brainiac: Kal-El. This development was highly improbable.
Superman: Today's been full of surprises.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Batman: I hear the city's been busy.
Superman: Nothing the kid couldn't handle. I have to say, for a guy who's supposed to be such a loner, you sure know how to pick a partner.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Chamelon Boy: Up, up and away! Ha! I always wanted to say that!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark: Like a pair of glasses is going to fool anyone.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Clark: (After seeing his future costume) Red underpants? Now I know you're crazy!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
[Darcy Mason leaves after Superman saves her from a robot trio]
Superman: This couldn't have been just some kidnapping attempt. And she knows more than she told the police, I'm sure of it.
Lana Lang: That's Darcy. She takes reticence to a whole new plateau.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darcy: (to Toyman) I'll never love you. Never!
Toyman: I know there's a place for me in your heart. (charges up a drill) I just have to find it.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darcy: (to Clark Kent) Didn't I see you at the fashion show? What are you, a stalker?
Clark Kent: Actually I'm a reporter.
Darcy: Even worse. At least stalkers are honest about what they do.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Mr. Mxyzptlk: (about Bizarro) This is so sad! I can't take it anymore! The greatest hero in the universe, reduced to saving rocks and playing house!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Bizarro: Hey, you funny little big head man.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Mr. Mxyzptlk, at your service.
Bizarro: Mr. Mzy... pzy...
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Eh, don't bother, you'll give yourself a hernia.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: Hey Clark, listen to this. Apparently some nut in a Superman costume just trashed a department store downtown. If I didn't know better I'd say it was-
Bizarro: [crashes through the wall] Where am Superman!
Clark and Lois: Bizzaro?!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: Mxyzptlk?! I thought you promised to stay away from Earth forever!
Mr. Mxyzptlk: No, no, no. I only promised I wouldn't come back and bother you, and I'm not! Old Rockhead is!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Mr. Mxyzptlk: (about Superman) Fish gotta swim and birds gotta fly! I've gotta bug that jerk till I die!... Or he does.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(As Bizarro grabs Superman's hand to get up)
Bizarro: You saved me. Why?
Superman: Because I knew Mxy tricked you. If it makes you feel better, he's done it to me. A lot.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
(when Bizarro gets affected by sleeping gas)
Bizarro: Peaceful.
Superman: That will keep him quiet till he reaches home.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Mr. Mxyzptlk: (as he dodges the boulder) WATCH IT, YA BIG JERK! Three months of this?! I don't think so! I QUIT!
(Superman looks at his monitor showing Mxyzptlk holding the tree branch from Krypto (alien monster))
Superman: (imitating Bizarro) Life am good.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Jax-Ur: Mesmerizing. Of all the phenomena of nature, none fascinates me more than a black hole. It is the one true force of absolute power. Everything it touches becomes its own.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Green Lantern: Wait! Don't you want to talk first? You know, banter back and forth to show me your innate superiority?
Sinestro: No.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Kyle Rayner: There must be someone better suited for the job, like him! (points to Superman)
Guardian: The ring has chosen you, Kyle Rayner.
Kyle Rayner: But I'm just an artist. I doodle in the margins of notepads, I daydream about color and form and monster trucks. I live half my life in a fantasy world.
Superman: You sound perfect.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois Lane: (After her skirt is caught by the wind) I've gotta start wearing pants.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Lois: Are you nuts?! That was a great white!
Aquaman: Lucky he was passing by. I've got ten more circling us right now.
Lois: Hope they're not hungry.
Aquaman: Want me to ask them?

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Kara: Spider powers? Eww!

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: I'm guessing you and that woman Talia had some history.
Batman: Pretty much in line with all my other relationships.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darkseid: I told you once, Superman: If you would not be my knight, you would be my pawn.
Superman: I see you're a man of your word.
Darkseid: I am many things, Kal-El. You couldn't even begin to imagine half of them. But for now, I shall take the role of the executioner. A final gift, my wayward son: A fast death, infinitely preferable to the shame of returning to Earth. There, your legacy would be one of fear and distress - a pariah desperately seeking the favor of a world that cursed your name.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Superman: [Punches Darkseid] That was for Dan Turpin!
Darkseid: Who?
Superman: The good man you murdered!
Darkseid: Had I known one human's death would pain you so, Kal-El, I would have killed more. And kill more I shall. Carry that agony with you to oblivion, Superman.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series
Darkseid: I am many things, Kal-El - but here, I am God.

TV Show: Superman - The Animated Series