Supporting Characters Quotes

Liana: You get so defensive.
Darryl: Baby, how can you say something offensive like you just said to me and expect me not to get defensive?
Liana: You just don't see possibilities.
Darryl: What does that mean, baby? You keep saying that. I don't know what that means, all right? Every other night you're cuming two or three times...
Liana: Darryl. Shh. Keep your voice down.
Darryl: And the one time I'm a minute man, you act like it's affecting our relationship or something.
Liana: Don't talk to me like that.

Movie: Supporting Characters
Amy: Oh! You don't even need to be romanced.
Nick: That's not for you.
Amy: Who's it for?
Nick: That's for the mattress.

Movie: Supporting Characters
Nick: Give it, like, a little urban sensibility. You know?
Darryl: You want it blacker.
Nick: Blacken it up.
Darryl: All right. You don't know any other black people, do you?

Movie: Supporting Characters
Adrian: It's come to my attention that some editorial decisions have started being made without my awareness or approval. At some point, and I'm not sure when, you guys all sort of ganged up, turned on me, and abandoned my vision for this film. I think it's shitty, I think it's immoral, and at this point I'd like to just take the footage and go home, please.

Movie: Supporting Characters