Take This Waltz Quote

Margot: I remember when my niece, The Tony was newborn... Reserving the... And sometimes crying, as do babies, and... And... I did what I could to find the cause. Hungry, is tired? Has rash? 9 times out of 10 I solve the problem, but... Sometimes... I do not know... Sometimes... I walk in the street, and... A ray of light illuminates a special way the sidewalk... And... I want to cry... And... after a second over. And I decide, because i'm an adult. Decide not to leave the emotional moment. And this some thought times with Tony. And she just lived such a time. One moment he did not know how and why and just let herself. And he could not do someone something about it to make it better. He was alone. And the fact that 're alive... Conflict... with this... Yes. - Or just do not understand what it was. -Yes.

Movie: Take This Waltz


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