Teen Titans Quotes

Statler Mumbo: What do you get when you cross a magician with a camera?
Waldorf Mumbo: Hocus Focus!
[They laugh]

TV Show: Teen Titans
Mumbo: So tell me, kid, how'd you do it?
Raven: A magician never reveals her secrets.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Cyborg: When there's trouble you know what to do/CALL CYBORG!/He can shoot a rocket from his shoe/'CAUSE HE'S CYBORG!/Do do do-do something like that/OH YEAH/Na na na na big fluffy cat/THAT'S RIGHT!...

TV Show: Teen Titans
Aqualad: Fish tacos?! What were you thinking?! I'm from the ocean! These were probably friends of mine!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Bumblebee: And that's a super computer, not a footstool!
Speedy: Thanks, mom.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Bumblebee: The real Cyborg couldn't take me, so you knockoffs don't stand a chance!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Brother Blood: Come on, Cyborg, what makes you tick?!
Cyborg: (Shocking him) A 50,000-watt power cell!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Robin: But Cyborg, we need you.
Cyborg: Sorry, man, but they need me more.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Robin: (To Cyborg) Believe me, I know a thing or two about being obsessed with your target.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Starfire: Who will shout the "Booyah!" when we are victorious in battle?

TV Show: Teen Titans
Cyborg: You can take your offer and blow it out your--
Brother Blood: Insolent child!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Cyborg: What have you done to yourself?
Brother Blood: Now, Cyborg, don't tell me you are digusted by the very technology that keeps you alive?

TV Show: Teen Titans
Pelican: Have you seen my hippo? He hides, and I must seek.
Starfire: I cannot play. Please, do you know a strange man named Control Freak? He is big, not tall and nasty, and known for causing strife. He escaped into the TV-
Beast Boy: Hey, Star! Run for your life!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Commercial Voice: The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce: Zinthos. New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything. Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying Zinthos and consult your ancient scrolls immediately. New, Blue, Zinthos.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Robin: 500 channels...
Raven: And still nothing on.

TV Show: Teen Titans
GSH: What's the capital of Liechtenstein?
Starfire: Uh... (Buzzer.)
GSH: When did Hannibal cross the Alps?
Starfire: Uh... (Buzzer; question mark above her head.)
GSH: What was Spiro Agnew's middle name?
Starfire: Hmmm... (Buzzer; question mark grows.)
GSH: How many atoms in one kilogram of oxygen?
Starfire: [Gasps with excitement] Three-point-seven-six-two-five times ten to the twenty-fifth! (He scrutinizes his card.)
GSH: That is correct!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Control Freak: (As Keanu Reeves) I know Kung Fu. Whoa.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Rebecca: Oh, Lance. I didn't mean to make you fall madly in love with me. But ever since Joaquim left with my evil half-sister-
Cyborg: Yo! I don't love you! My name's not Lance, and I just need to know if you've seen a fat guy in an overcoat!
Rebecca: Oh, Lance!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Clash Of The Planets Protagonist: Who are you?
Control Freak: I am Count Rol Freakow, the twelfth-level space samurai that trained Baran Rang. And... I am your father!
Clash Of The Planets Protagonist: (Horrified) Nooo!!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Cyborg: Hey! I remember this scene! We're in the first episode of season four.
Robin: How do you know we're going to the right way?
Beast Boy: Because we just passed the engine core, which means we're right below the detention level. So all we have to do is follow the main particle flux conduit to the galactic command center.
Raven: Frightening. Truly frightening.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Beast Boy: (In Raven's robe) You don't need to see our identification.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Beast Boy: Dude, you got your butt kicked. It happens.
Raven: (looking at Beast Boy) Happens to some of us more than others.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Robin: (To himself) You couldn’t just take a class. You had to travel around the world.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Cyborg: I can't believe you two would just barge into Robin's room when he's gone, dress up in his uniform and pretend to be Robin!
Beast Boy: Uh...
Starfire: Well...
Cyborg: Without me!

TV Show: Teen Titans
Robin: (To himself) The next time an old woman tells you to leave your shoes behind, take them anyway.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Starfire: Robin, calling Robin.
Beast Boy: Robin here!
Starfire: No, not you, Robin, the other Robin.
Cyborg: (Shoves Beast Boy and takes his communicator) What's up Robin?
Raven: (Watching the three) This is disturbing.
Starfire: (swoops in by Raven) Disturbing yet magnificent! Join us; I never knew wearing a cape was so much fun! It is wonderful to be Robin!
Cyborg: (walks in while on R-cycle) Yeah, he has all the best stuff!
Raven: (sarcasticly) Uh... right.
Beast Boy: (pops into veiw) C'mon! Haven't you ever wondered what it's like to be Robin? (luring) You know you wanna try it. (Raven lift's eyebrow, interested)

TV Show: Teen Titans
Monkey: I am the Guardian of the Trees.
Robin: And in order to continue my journey, I must first defeat you.
Monkey: How did you know I was going to say that? Do you know what I am going to say next?
Robin: No.
Monkey: Me neither.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Monkey: Monkey see, monkey do - monkey just made a fool of you!

TV Show: Teen Titans
True Master: There will always be someone to do things the easy way, but you must learn to do things the right way.

TV Show: Teen Titans
Robin: There's an easy way and a hard way down this mountain. Looks like you picked the hard way.

TV Show: Teen Titans