That's So Raven Quotes

Raven: Oh! The boys, the boys!
Kendra: [slowly] How does it feel to be in A-mer-i-ca?
Raven: NO! You do not speak to the boys. They do not speak the same English as you speak. They speak another form of the language that you do not know. Boys! Saabite, wootita zoozoo...wika wah wika fiki fiki wah tika chika wah wah!
Zack: Tika tika wah.
Cody: Tika tika wah wah!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Raven: Oh la la! Pistache found the camera! Okay boys, smiley smile! Oh the pointing, the pointing. It's so rude, so rude, I love it! So nasty!
Kendra: Eh, Pistache...have you met Pistache?
Raven: There is no other Pis- [sees Donna also dressed as Pistache, coming towards her] Oh, snap! Okay there is a perfect explanation.

TV Show: That's So Raven
Pistache: [walks over to Zack and Cody] This is not Yan...and Kvelt.
Donna: Raven, you're fired.
Raven: Yeah, I kinda figured that.
Pistache: They are even better.
Donna: Raven, you're re-hired.
Raven: Sweet.

TV Show: That's So Raven
Donna: I think this is gonna work.
Raven: I know it is.
Pistache: I got it. And now, we dance.
[Everyone starts dancing]

TV Show: That's So Raven
Mrs. Rothschild: LAWRENCE, you're toast!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Loca: Aaaah!! Where's the rest of you?!
Stanley: Just look in my eyes, baby, just look in my eyes.

TV Show: That's So Raven
Eddie: [repeated line] Don't get me started!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Zuckerman: You thought you can hide from me, didn't you?

TV Show: That's So Raven
Raven: [as Dorthy] Why are you so mean?
Victor: [as the Wizard of Oz] Because I ain't got no body! Get it? I ain't got no body. I'm a big floating head, and - alright, get out of my sight!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Theatre Guard: Young man! People are trying to watch the movie, you are going to have to leave!
Cory: Me?!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Chelsea: See I told him! Yeah! You heard me.
Cory: Yes Chelsea! Everybody heard you!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Mrs Valentine: [starts to rain] Oh dear, it looks like its raining. We will camp at Raven's.
Raven: Say what?
Eddie: [quietly] Hello, baby! I was expecting your call.
Raven: Eeew!! Eddie stop talkin' like that and put Chelsea on the phone!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Raven: you gotta wear them smart you gotta wear them nice you gotta wear them like mua... well not today...

TV Show: That's So Raven
Raven: [speaks on phone to Victor about the mayor coming to pick up the casserole] Dad, I know, I know, listen, listen. The casserole is in the oven. Yes, yes, yes! You take it out, you let it cool, you shampoo it, you rinse it, repeat it! [laughs] I'm just playing with you, Daddy! [rushed] Hold on, let me call you right back. Love you, too, bye!
Raven: [stops cory] Excuse me! Where do you think you're going?
Cory: [holding basketball] To the library.
Raven: With a basketball? Dad put me in charge. I need you to respect me enough to give me a decent lie!
Cory: Sorry, I was in a rush.
Raven: Corry, you are not going anywhere until you finish your chores.
Cory: [lies] I did 'em!
Raven: [after each question, Corry lies with the answer "Yes!"] So you cleaned your room? You picked up the laundry? You picked up fresh milk?
Raven: [gives a look] You may go.
Corry: Thank you!
Raven: [walks to the refrigerator, thinking to self] Yep, when it comes to little brothers, you just gotta show them who's boss!
Raven: [pours glass of milk and old, chunky milk come out] CORY!!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Raven: [picks up laundry] Corry. . .lazy, nonworking, good for nothing, [finds cigarette] cigarette smoking -- cigarette smoking??? Oh, no. . . CORY!!!

TV Show: That's So Raven
Meena: I mean Bahavia in a TV show That's So Pooshnik?

TV Show: That's So Raven
Cory: Rae get back to the room...

TV Show: That's So Raven
Cory: Ya know I gotta admit, that was actually kinda funny.
Raven: That girl is fly!
Meena: Let's watch it again!

TV Show: That's So Raven