The Avengers Quote

Jarvis: [as Iron Man arrives at Stark Tower to confront Loki and Selvig]Sir, I've shut down the Arc Reactor, but the device is already self-sustaining.
Iron Man: Shut it down, Dr. Selvig.
Selvig: It's too late! She can't stop now. She wants to show us something! A new universe.
Iron Man: OK. [blasts the device, which defends itself with a barrier, blasting Selvig into a wall and pushing Iron Man back]
Jarvis: The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable.
Iron Man: Yeah I got that - Plan B. [he turns to Loki and drifts down to his landing pad]
Jarvis: Sir, the Mark VII is not ready for deployment.
Iron Man: Then skip the spinning rims! We're on the clock! [Lands and has his armor removed]

Movie: The Avengers


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