The Bat Quotes

Dr. Malcolm Wells: In my report I shall state that death was caused by a stunning blow followed by severe laceration and hemorrhage.

Lt. Andy Anderson: In plain English, he didn't know what hit him.

Dr. Malcolm Wells: Oh he knew, but he didn't have time to think about it.

Movie: The Bat
Editor Joe McGinty: Say, have you ever had a date with a girl?

Reporter Johnny Layton: A girl? Oh, yes, a girl. I believe I did take a girl out once.

Movie: The Bat
Henry Morton: You're a dreamer, Doc. Too much money is bad for dreamers.

Dr. Paul Carruthers: So you tried to pay me in flattery, telling me that I'm a dreamer. Well... I *do* dream - dreams that you would *never* guess.

Movie: The Bat
Jane Patterson: What's that noise? Miss Van Gorder, the garage is on fire!

Detective Davenport: Great Scot, look at that!

Cornelia van Gorder: [shuts off the light] Lizzie you put out the light in the other where're you going?

Detective Davenport: To put out the fire.

Cornelia van Gorder: Will you just stay right here?

Jane Patterson: But Miss Van Gorder, the garage!

Cornelia van Gorder: Well let it burn, you watch the stairs.

Movie: The Bat
Judy Hollander: [after finding Mark Fleming dead with his throat torn] I don't think I'll sleep tonight.

Dale Bailey: Me either.

Judy Hollander: All I can see is poor Mark Fleming just staring at us... I thought that when people died, their eyes closed, is in sleep.

Dale Bailey: Don't think about it.

Judy Hollander: I'll bet you're thinking about it.

Dale Bailey: No, I was thinking of my husband sleeping in jail tonight. Oh Judy I love him so much!

Movie: The Bat
Judy Hollander: [the Bat, unbeknown, is pounding in the wall on the floor above] Should we call Miss Van Gorder?

Dale Bailey: She'll hear it, how can she help but hear it? Besides, we don't want her to think we're a couple of hysterical women.

Judy Hollander: Well I'm about to become one, I've about had it for one night. Dale you're not going out in that hall!

Dale Bailey: I want to find out what's happening up there!

Judy Hollander: But Lt. Anderson said if we stayed behind our locked doors we'd be safe.

Dale Bailey: Vick isn't safe locked up in that jail! Perhaps that stolen money is in this house, Mark Fleming seemed to think it was. Maybe that's what somebody's looking for.

Movie: The Bat
Lizzie Allen: That Jap butler gives me the willies. The Flemings through him in with the lease, but I'd throw him OUT!

Movie: The Bat
Miss Cornelia Van Gorder: [the lights go out, calling up the stairs] LIZZIE!

Lizzie Allen: [with a newspaper in her mouth, swinging a bear trap at the window. Miss Van Gorder comes in and she stops and takes the paper out of her mouth] I see by the paper that the Bat's in the neighborhood. I'm setting a bear trap for him.

Movie: The Bat
Reporter Johnny Layton: [to Dr. Paul Carruthers] Not so funny when it's your own jugular vein that's in danger. Is it, doc?

Movie: The Bat
Roy Heath: Goodnight, Dr. Carruthers!

Dr. Paul Carruthers: Gooooodbye, Roy.

Movie: The Bat
Roy Heath: Goodnight, Dr. Carruthers!

Dr. Paul Carruthers: Gooooodbye, Roy.

Movie: The Bat
Tommy: [trying the lotion] That feels great... very soothing.

Dr. Paul Carruthers: I don't think you'll ever use anything else.

Movie: The Bat
Brook: He's coming! The Bat is coming down the stairs!

Movie: The Bat
Cornelia van Gorder: We'll get to the bottom of this. I've sent for detectives.

The Caretaker: Detectives won't do no good. The entire police force won't do no good.

Movie: The Bat
Cornelia van Gorder: Who did that?
The Caretaker: I don't know... this house gets on my nerves, they won't let me sleep.
Lizzie Allen: Don't trust him, caretaker means servant... Bat!
Cornelia van Gorder: Who won't let you sleep?
The Caretaker: The ghosts... he slams doors, and there's no one there to slam them... he opens windows, and I can't see nothing... he rolls things down the stairs, and there's no one there to make them roll... that ain't all, he whispers to me, from behind the wall. [a loud scream is heard]
The Caretaker: Listen, he's here again... stay here long enough, you'll see.
Lizzie Allen: Let's go back to the city.

Movie: The Bat
Cornelia van Gorder: Now what on Earth are you doing?

Lizzie Allen: I'm setting a bear trap for the Bat, incase he decides to come flying around here.
[throws a trap on a chain out the window]

Lizzie Allen: And I've got the other end fastened to the bed.

Movie: The Bat
Cornelia van Gorder: Who did that?

The Caretaker: I don't know... this house gets on my nerves, they won't let me sleep.

Lizzie Allen: Don't trust him, caretaker means servant... Bat!

Cornelia van Gorder: Who won't let you sleep?

The Caretaker: The ghosts... he slams doors, and there's no one there to slam them... he opens windows, and I can't see nothing... he rolls things down the stairs, and there's no one there to make them roll... that ain't all, he whispers to me, from behind the wall.
[a loud scream is heard]

The Caretaker: Listen, he's here again... stay here long enough, you'll see.

Lizzie Allen: Let's go back to the city.

Movie: The Bat
Cornelia van Gorder: Surely you don't think he's...
Lt. Andy Anderson: Warner and I have met before, I can't recall where or when, but I will.

Movie: The Bat
Dale Van Gorder: Auntie... That painting moved!

Movie: The Bat
Dale Van Gorder: Auntie... That painting moved!

Movie: The Bat
Detective Anderson: When I find a need to make an arrest, I'll make it. I won't wait for any coroner's jury!

Movie: The Bat
Detective Anderson: When I find a need to make an arrest, I'll make it. I won't wait for any coroner's jury!

Movie: The Bat
Dr. Paul Carruthers: Now, rub it on the tender part of your neck.

Movie: The Bat
Karl Brettschneider: Goodnight, gentlemen. Don't let the vampires get you.

Movie: The Bat
Lizzie Allen: [knocking on the door] Hurry will you? It's Lizzie... [Jane Patterson opens her door]
Lizzie Allen: I'm terribly worried, I can't find Miss Cornelia anywhere, and something's happened to the policeman, I don't know what...get Warner, bring him to the drawing room, tell him we need him!

Movie: The Bat
Lizzie Allen: [after The Bat gets trapped in her bear trap outside] I caught The Bat! I caught The Bat! I caught The Bat! I caught The Bat!

Movie: The Bat
Lizzie Allen: [in terror] The Bat!

Movie: The Bat
Lizzie Allen: That new gardener, I don't like his looks, suppose'n he's the Bat?

Cornelia van Gorder: I know he's not a gardener, because uticaria is hives, rubeola is measles, and alopecia is baldness.

Lizzie Allen: And knowing all this, you're going to let him stay here?

Cornelia van Gorder: I will, until I find out why my niece brought him here.

Movie: The Bat
Man in black mask: Give me those blueprints!

Movie: The Bat
Man in black mask: Give me those blueprints!

Movie: The Bat