The Beiderbecke Affair (mini) Quotes | Quotesoup

The Beiderbecke Affair (mini) Quotes

Mr Carter: This tea would make a brontosaurus puke.

Movie: The Beiderbecke Affair (mini)
[Sergeant Hobson has warned Big Al that using the church crypt as a warehouse contravenes planning regulations]
Big Al: The town planners have moved in like a wolf on the fold.
Trevor Chaplin: I believe they tend to do that.
Big Al: If we don't get all that gear out of the church basement by the weekend, we're all pencilled-in for deportation, solitary confinement, loss of privileges, discharge with ignominy, boiling in oil... or a small fine.
Trevor Chaplin: All that for breaking the town planning regulations?
Big Al: I think you get a choice - I haven't studied the small-print.

Movie: The Beiderbecke Affair (mini)