The Cameraman Quotes

Sally Richards: [advice to the aspiring cameraman] You must always grind forward... never backward.

Movie: The Cameraman
[First Lines]
[Introducing Jack Cardiff prior to presenting him with his honorary Oscar in 2001]

Dustin Hoffman: For those of us who are 70 years old or younger, Jack Cardiff was shooting film before we were born.

Movie: The Cameraman
Edward J. Blake: [after screening Luke Shannon's lost newsreel footage] That's the best camera work I've seen in years! Get that man in here quick!

Movie: The Cameraman
Sally Richards: [advice to the aspiring cameraman] You must always grind forward... never backward.

Movie: The Cameraman
Edward J. Blake: [after screening Luke Shannon's lost newsreel footage] That's the best camera work I've seen in years! Get that man in here quick!

Movie: The Cameraman