The Colbert Report Quote

Stephen: [getting into his car] Take me home, Sam.
The driver turns around. It's Uncle Sam.
Sam: You are home, Stephen. The Colbert Nation is your home - and it needs you now, more than ever.
Stephen: No it doesn't.
Sam: Yes it does! The Democrats have only been in power for a few minutes and already they've already got us stuck in this unwinnable war!
Stephen: [with realization dawning] Yeah, they really screwed the pooch on that one. That Democratic majority has had a free ride for too long! Thanks, Sam! [moves to get out of the car]
Sam: You're welcome.
Stephen: [turning] Oh, by the way, there was no sparkling water in my drink caddy. You forget that again and I will fire your fat ass. You got me, old man?
Sam: Yes.
Stephen: Yes, what?
Sam: Yes, sir.

TV Show: The Colbert Report


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