The Crying Game Quotes

Dil: There. That should make her happy.
Fergus: Who's she?
Dil: Don't know. Who is she?

Movie: The Crying Game
Dil: What you thinking of, hon?
Fergus: I'm thinking of your man.
Dil: Why?
Fergus: I'm wondering why you keep his things.
Dil: I told you. I'm superstitious.
Fergus: Did he ever tell you you were beautiful?
Dil: All the time. Even now.
Fergus: What do you mean?
Dil: He looks after me. He's a gentleman, too.

Movie: The Crying Game
Fergus: What the ****, do you know about my people?
Jody: Only that you're all tough, undeluded mother****ers... And it's not in your nature, to let me go!
Fergus: Shut the **** up, will ya?

Movie: The Crying Game
Fergus: [kisses Dil lightly] Now are you happy?
Dil: Delirious.

Movie: The Crying Game
Jimmy: What do I do?
Dil: Break his neck. No, don't.

Movie: The Crying Game