The Departed Quote

Frank Costello : I'm going to have my associate search you.
Billy Costigan : No, no one's fucking searching me. Searching me for what?
Frank Costello : Contra-fucking-band. Take your shoes off. [ French slams Costigan into a chair ]
Mr. French : Shoes.
Frank Costello : [ to Costigan ] I knew your father.
Billy Costigan : Yeah? You know he's dead?
Frank Costello : Oh, sorry. How'd he go?
Billy Costigan : He didn't complain.
Frank Costello : Yeah, that was his problem.
Billy Costigan : Who said he had a problem?
Frank Costello : I just said he had a fucking problem. There's a man who could have been anything.
Billy Costigan : Are you trying to say he was nothing? [ French slams Costigan onto a pool table and continues his search ]
Frank Costello : I'm saying he worked at the airport.

Movie: The Departed


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