The Duel Quotes

Lewt McCanles: You double-crossin' bobcat.

Movie: The Duel
Marshal Lightning Tyrone: Just a minute! I'm probably wasting my breath, but I'm going to give you some advice. Get out of town pronto. Get yourself a job and quit poker. Poker is a man's game.
Luke Cromwell - The Silver Kid: I can take care of myself.
Marshal Lightning Tyrone: Oh sure, I know you're fast with your guns, but sooner or later you'll meet a man that's faster or that doesn't fight square and then you're off to Boot Hill. No, you're bucking a sucker's game, Kid. You can't beat it.
Luke Cromwell - The Silver Kid: I guess that's good advice, Marshal, but I ain't takin' it. Besides, how to handle a six-gun and poker is all I know.

Movie: The Duel
Nick Holliday: Mighty touching... now it's time for your sad demise.

Movie: The Duel
Princess Arianne: What the hell are you doing here, Flannigan?
Flannigan Drake: I came to get some questions answered.
Princess Arianne: I don't have to answer any of your questions, Flannigan! Get out!
Flannigan Drake: I'm not going anywhere until you answer the question, willfully or now
Princess Arianne: What do you think your going to do? Beat me up, I didn't think that was your style...
Flannigan Drake: I have other ways of securing your co-operation.
Princess Arianne: Oh yeah, how's that?
Flannigan Drake: Like this! FLASH Sit Down! Now you will answer my questions without hesitation, right?
Princess Arianne: Yes.

Movie: The Duel
The Sinkiller: Under that heathen blanket, there's a full-blossomed woman built by the devil to drive men crazy.

Movie: The Duel