The Dukes Quote

Freddy Flenders: We still need some good driving to make this Roddy Cooper's best picture yet.
Luke Duke: Well, we'd like to 'blidge, but we're in this race.
Freddy Flenders: Now if it's only a matter of money, I could, pay you, eh... twentyfive thousand.
Bo Duke: Twentyfive thousand dollars?
Freddy Flenders: Alright, make it fifty thousand. But that's my final offer.
Luke Duke: Well, we'd better talk this over [the three cousins huddle together as Freddy winks at the director]
Bo Duke: What do you think?
Luke Duke: There's no thinking to it. With that kinda money we can pay off Uncle Jesse's farm.
Daisy Duke: That's right, and old Boss Hogg can race hisself around the world. [laughs]

Movie: The Dukes


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