The Escort Quote

Natalie: I read your article, and, well, I think you misquoted me.
Mitch: Nobody even knows it's you, just like you asked.
Natalie: But there are some lines in here I would have never said.
Mitch: Like what?
Natalie: 'You see enough unfaithful husbands and you start to get sickened by the whole notion of love. How can you trust men when you see them call their wives in front of you and say they love them after they just paid for sex? I don't think you can be in my industry and still believe in love. It's like being a scientist and believing in God.'
Mitch: Yeah, you definitely said all of that.
Natalie: I'd really like you to publish a retraction of that statement and revise it to say; 'You see enough unfaithful husbands and you start to question the notion of love and then when you finally experience it for yourself you see what all the fuss is about and you can't imagine not having that person in your life and you feel like the luckiest person in the world and you would do anything to make them feel the same way about you.'

Movie: The Escort


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