The Facts of Life Quotes

Blair Warner: Aha, no parental supervision... the leading cause of crime and polyester formal wear!

TV Show: The Facts of Life
Blair Warner: He's so proud of me... I'm so proud of me!

TV Show: The Facts of Life
Blair Warner: I like to live on the dangerous side once in a while. Just last week, I took the bus!

TV Show: The Facts of Life
Jo Polniaczek: Blair can I borrow your black liner?
Blair Warner: Well okay, but I think a soft brown would make you look not as cheap.
Jo Polniaczek: It's for my bike, I scuffed it. Lucky for me your make up covers everything.

TV Show: The Facts of Life
Natalie Green: Who wants to be a skinny pencil? I'm happy being a magic marker!

TV Show: The Facts of Life
Tootie Ramsey: There's going to be trouble...

TV Show: The Facts of Life