The Fairly OddParents Quotes

Cosmo: Don't look at me. I'm just a coal miner!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Mom: Take good care of our fancy new vase while we're gone! Oh, and Timmy, too. Keep an eye on him.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Vicky: (glaring at vase) I hate you. Stop mocking me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: Look at the size of this food! If I could shrink everyone in the world down to this size, there'd be enough food to end world hunger!
Wanda: Oh, that's beautiful, Timmy!
Cosmo: But not why we're here! Look! Big candy!
Timmy: Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Single Cell Princess: (very fast Valley girl) My interests include wiggling and swimming. My turn-offs are Penicillin and Antibiotics. But enough about me, tell me about you.
Timmy: Well, my name's Timmy and I have a short attention span and... (wanders off)

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Vicky: That's right, Timmy's throwing a "Break Timmy's Stuff" party at his house!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Cosmo: We're in Kidney Land! Oh, my gosh! Look!
Cosmo & Wanda: It's Walt Kidney!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Vicky: What?! Cute little animals?! And they're CLEANING?! GET OUT!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Dad: What happened here?!?!
Timmy: Uh...I melted your trophy with heat vision?
Dad: Where did you get heat vision?
Timmy: Uhh...Internet?
Cosmo: Oh, he's good.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Dad: I'm so mad I wish blinding beams of heat would shoot out of my eyes right now!!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: No, no, ours is the one with the silly pink hat.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Dad: Go to your room and don't come out until you learn responsibility for other people's property...or welding skills...whichever comes first!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: Now it's time for Scary Stories From The Future! In the future, there will be 500 TV channels.
Young Dad: Far out!
Timmy: But nothing to watch!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
1970's Cosmo: The system's trying to take him prisoner!
1970's Wanda: We're all prisoners...on the inside!
1970's Cosmo: I love you!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
1970's Wanda: That little Billy Gates and his crazy ideas.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: [as Young Dad, offering his trophy] Hi, Mom! I'm Dad. Will you take this; go out with me; marry me; and someday have a boy with a silly pink hat?
Young Mom: Okay. I'll come by your house later!
Timmy: [as Young Dad] Groovy! If I'm asleep in a tent in the backyard, wake me up and tell me about the race, in excruciating detail!
Young Mom: Okay. [wanders off]

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Dad: This is me graduating dictator college. And this is me taking over the world - with smiles!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: I hate everything! I hate cats, I hate this day. I'm going to bed...which I hate!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: You're such a Mama's boy!
Cosmo: I'm not!
Wanda: [turns Cosmo into a baby] Now you are!
Cosmo: Hey! You made me make a poopy!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Cosmo: Let's get something straight! I'm not bright! Big words confuse me! I have the attention span of a rodent! But Wanda loves me anyway. She makes me happy and THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR YOU!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Mama Cosma: It's not working! He's falling in love with her again!
Cupid: Well, where's the dough? You know, as the god of love, I love cash.
Mama Cosma: And I love the idea of Cosmo not being able to love Wanda.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: I'm sorry I yelled at you puddin'. I promise I won't do it unless you really mess up again.
Cosmo: Like I will tomorrow?
Wanda: It's a date.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Dad: Okay honey, are you ready for your anniversary present?
Mom: [blindfolded] Oh, I'm so excited! What is it? What is it?
Dad: Open your eyes!
Mom: It's a blindfold! Oh, I've always wanted one!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
The Crimson Chin: Great jaws of justice! Spatula Woman!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
The Crimson Chin: My powers...gone! There must be some sort of Chintonite in this facility!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: (tied to a giant hairy leg) Couldn't you have shaved this thing?!
The Bronze Kneecap: (pointing to his kneecap) Don't make me use this!!!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: The Crimson Chin is still a hero, right?! He'll save me, right?!
The Crimson Chin: Stupid ketchup!
Timmy: Well, uh... besides, I'm not in any real trouble, right?! If I were in any real danger, my Godparents would get me outta here, right?!
Cosmo: Stupid ketchup!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
The Crimson Chin: By my mother's mandible - I say NAY!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
[Timmy wins the Comic Book Convention fancy dress competition]
Wanda: He's my hero!
Cosmo: (holding a hero sandwich) And this is mine! (attempts to squeeze ketchup while shaking it up and down, but can't) Stupid ketchup!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents