The Godfather Quote

[ Clemenza prepares Michael for his meeting with Sollozzo ]
Clemenza : [ holding up a .22 ] It's as cold as they come, impossible to trace. So you don't have to worry about prints, Mike. I put a special tape on the trigger and the butt. Here, try it... [ Michael takes the gun, but can't seem to fire it ]
Clemenza : What's the matter, trigger too tight? [ With a loud bang, Michael finally discharges the gun ]
Michael : Ow! My ears.
Clemenza : Yeah, I left it noisy. That way it scares any pain-in-the-ass innocent bystanders away. All right, you shot them both, now what do you do?
Michael : Sit down and finish my dinner.
Clemenza : Come on, kid, don't fool around. Just let your hand drop to your side and the gun slip out. Everyone will still think you've got it. They're gonna be staring at your face, Mike. So walk out of the place real fast, but you don't run. Don't look nobody directly in the eye, hut don't look away either. They're gonna be scared of you, believe me, so don't worry about nothing. [ while talking, Clemenza takes the gun and begins working on it to fix the trigger ]
Clemenza : You know, Mike, you're gonna turn out all right. You take a long vacation, nobody knows where, and we'll catch the hell.
Michael : How bad do you think it's gonna be?
Clemenza : Pretty goddam bad. Probably all the other Families will line up against us. That's all right. These things gotta happen every five years or so, ten years. Helps to get rid of the bad blood. Been ten years since the last one. You know, you gotta stop them at the beginning. Like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich, they should never let him get away with that, they was just asking for trouble. [ Clemenza now finishes working on the gun ]
Clemenza : You know, Mike, we was all proud o

Movie: The Godfather


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