The Golden Girls Quote

Dorothy: Ma, we're going away for the weekend, just the two of us. So pack your bags, we are off to a cabin in the Keys!
Sophia: Wait a minute, Dorothy, you pulled this one on me once before. Remember Shady Pines Retirement Village? [to Rose and Blanche] She told me we were going to a resort. We pull up to this place that looks like the Bates Motel, and two goons in white coats drag me inside and for the next year and a half I'm forced to make lanyards against my will.
Dorothy: Ma, you know that's not how it was!
Sophia: You're right, sometimes they forced me to make moccasins. No thanks, not again!
Dorothy: Look Ma, all I want is for us to go away together, just the two of us. Ma, we'll go anywhere you want to go.
Sophia: Great, I wanna go to Disney World.
Dorothy: Then that's where we're going.
Sophia: Oh? All of a sudden you're gonna take me, after I've been asking for years?
Dorothy: That's right!
Sophia: [to Rose and Blanche] Leave your shoe sizes, let me know whether you want your moccasins in brown or black!

TV Show: The Golden Girls


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